Thursday, July 18, 2013

The CIA's Col. George White Raped & Killed Dozens Of Women And Was Never Charged.

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"It was fun, fun, fun. Where else could a red-blooded American lie, kill, cheat, and rape with the sanction of the all-highest?" - Col. George Hunter White, Federal Narcotics Officer, OSS Counterintelligence Officer, CIA Bureau Chief (quote refers to his decade of work for the CIA)
I will continue to repost this info until it is no longer altered, redacted, obscured by typos or misnomers I did not create or mislinked one way or another. My guess is some old, right-wing fools think they can cover ANYTHING up, if they obfuscate enough facts. Sorry, but if Woody Guthrie's guitar could kill Fascists, so can my mind.
The Spawn of George White and Stansfield Turner “The father’s a Nazi in Congress today; the mother’s a hooker somewhere in L.A” ‘The Idiot Bastard’s Son’” - Frank Zappa, “We’re Only In It For The Money”
"Operation Midnight Climax was an operation initially established by Sidney Gottlieb and placed under the direction of Narcotics Bureau officer George Hunter White under the alias of Morgan Hall for the CIA as a sub-project of Project MKULTRA, the CIA mind-control research program that began in the 1950s.[1] The project consisted of a web of CIA-run safehouses in San Francisco, Marin, and New York. It was established in order to study the effects of LSD on unconsenting individuals. Prostitutes on the CIA payroll were instructed to lure clients back to the safehouses, where they were surreptitiously plied with a wide range of substances, including LSD, and monitored behind one-way glass. Several significant operational techniques were developed in this theater, including extensive research into sexual blackmail, surveillance technology, and the possible use of mind-altering drugs in field operations. The safehouses were dramatically scaled back in 1962, following a report by CIA Inspector General John Earman that strongly recommended closing the facility. The San Francisco safehouses were closed in 1965, and the New York City safehouse soon followed in 1966. MKULTRA came to light in the spring of 1963 during a wide-ranging survey of the CIA's technical services division. John K. Vance, a member of the Central Intelligence Agency inspector general's staff, discovered that the agency was running a research project that included administering LSD and other drugs to unwitting human subjects." - Wikipedia
Well, I was careless and didn't back up about 30 minutes worth of detailed explication of the famous Frank Olson case and how he was actually murdered by minions of the Uberriechshtagg (the new Third Reich re-established in America, by the 650 + scientists and “Drs.” with new identities given them by the US Govs. “Intelligence Community” in “Operation Paperclip” at the end of WWII) to prevent certain salient details of the Nazi infiltration of our Government, Military-Industrial Complex (Ike knew enough to try to warn us in his farewell address) and scientific/research community from coming to light. Olson’s death was just ‘collateral damage’ in the cover up of (literally!) thousands of “crimes against humanity” by Project Monarch/ MKULTRA/OSS operations: kidnappings, rapes, maimings, murders and ‘terminal experiments’, sexual torture, systematic experimental child abuse of thousands of American citizens and hundreds of CIA "snuff" flicks and worse, the staggering scope of the depravity is known to few and believed by fewer today and the numbers dwindles as the principles die off, even the 'compromising movies' made of scores of members of the House, Senate and Justice Dept. by the OSS which became the FBI/CIA, kinda‘, by former 'bag men" of the OSS and "The Pond" erode into unrecoverable acetate and tears. The infiltraitors and their scions all secure in their belief in their own successful redaction of the facts from History. How Frank’s Olson's son sued the Federal Government in the late '60s and prevailed, winning his 'wrongful death' case in 1970 by having a Fed. Court order the release of a large number of pertinent documents which substantiated his claims, and how this led Richard Helms to be replaced by Stansfield Turner AFTER Helms and Kimmler trained Nazi aided crew destroyed a couple of bunkers filled with semi-tractor trailors full of documents, tapes, movies and more (as well as having redacted/hid/given their Mafia brethren more for ‘leverage‘, if ever needed) is the stuff of whispers between aged dons in back rooms in Vegas retirement homes, a pall-like cloacal miasma of cigar smoke and human misery sticking to their souls, moustaches and slippers. These are the same cabal of people who eventually were forced to assassinate Sen. Estes Kefauver, by poisoning a slice of apple pie with 'sodium morphate, and have him collapse ON THE SENATE FLOOR to demonstrate to the 'do-gooders' opposing, then finally pursuing them, that they should 'back off'. I believe this incident was responsible for the Kennedy assassins feeling they could get away with ANYTHING later in Dallas, and was the turning point in the “Extremeism in the defense of Liberty is no vice.“ death knell of Democracy and subsequent well-funded ethical demise of American Government. The Third Riech's rationale for human experimentation was embraced by PART of the U. S. Military, Intelligence Community, Legislature Judiciary and Executive Branch at this point, and they never again felt compelled to inform subsequent Presidents/Judges/Legislators about their 'Shadow' activities. Their Credo was thus expressed by Barry Goldwater in his famous statement, cited above, rationalizing their Himmlerian/Mengelen amorality. Notice the audio of a lot of the video records on the MKUltra story surviving on YouTube has been altered. If you read lips you can tell. Also the links have been altered to become almost devoid of title info. No SHARE buttons, no site descriptions and the parties responsible for my last two comments having ...diassappeared and the sabotage of these site HTML codes will be well rewarded by the karmic visitations of vengeful Cherubim, I believe. Yahweh having released them from their vows of fealty to the “Lord of Hosts” to the become, themselves, the “Lords Of Karma”, after he toured Dachau in disguise one winter’s day in 1944. Some spirits can be vengeful when interfered with. I've never been able to shake the feeling that hundreds of the victims of TRULY evil men like: ‘George White’ (SS to the core, NOT American) or Maitland Baldwin or Kurt Plotner or Walter Neff or Winfred Overholser or Gen. “Wild Bill” Donovan or Richard Helm or Stanley Lovell, et. al.; still wish the truth might be told! “Ye shall know the truth and the truth will make you free.” So be it! Here in the next few years, after 6 decades of abuse and damage and revelation and preparation and pain and something akin to an aspiration towards an apprehension of wholeness, I shall endeavour to tell the stories that the myriad friends of mine (and those I never knew) all those who died in their struggle to free themselves from the yoke of mental, emotional psychosexual and philosophic oppression that America’s rulers placed upon us (WHEN MOST OF US WERE CHILDREN, REMEMBER) in the search for “Behavior Modification”. This is fair warning! Attempted suppression of the Logos as it manifests will prove destructive to whom and/or whatever tries to hinder the epiphanthetic eventualities it entails. I have never threatened anything or anyone, and I am not now. All I’ve ever been able to do is warn of the irresistible epiphenomenal inevitability of the ’wrath’ of those aforementioned Cherubim, when attempts at obfuscation of this Message arise (my prose is obtuse enough thank you). So PLEASE note: requested quakes can‘t be faked, neither in ’91, nor now (those few remaining, steeped in the historical esoterica of “Intelligence” who remember, know of what I speak). “Something is happening but you don’t know what it is. Do you, Mr. Jones?” Great evil often generates its own counterbalance, even in such an unworthy and eccentric tectokinetic channel such as I. “The Men Who Stared At Goats” , because they were military (and therefore subject to orders from a mere human chain of command) never achieved the Gnostic abilities and perceptions I have seen and/or personally manifested since me and my brother and sister subjects of experimentation “in defense of Liberty” had our “alterations” forced upon us unawares, at the behest of the American Reich. I speak from long experience, Karma will manifest, one way or the other, for me foremost for I face the same verities as all, but if I am working from a Ethical position of "devotion to a noble ideal", doing nothing for “lust of result”, I have always fared far better that any interfering with me, The Medium, OR The Message. As one of my most esteemed mentors, and occasional ‘Spirit Guide” (Spirit Goad more like, at times) was most famously wont to say: “Love Is The Law, Love Under Will”. As it is my will, so mote it be. Three times three times three. World without end. (Will I Am)! “Genuflect, genuflect, genuflect.”


  1. George White, as a missionary toiling in the vineyard with the permission of the "ALL HIGHEST" sounds a lot like what the mormons said about killing those people in the Fancher wagon train. They believe they are the "Saints of the Most High" and all their lawless deeds will be forgiven. "Strong delusion, wouldn't you say"?

  2. I would indeed agree! );{>
