Monday, August 05, 2013

Watercourse Viewpoint (Atantis Risen With Help From Alan Watts)

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"Perhaps the most precious possession of man is his abiding awareness of the Analogy of Proper Proportionality, the key to all metaphysical insight, and perhaps the very condition of consciousness itself. This analogical awareness is constituted of a perpetual play of ratios among ratios. A is to B, what C is to D, which is to say the ratio between A and B, is proportionable to the ratio between C and D, there being a ratio between these ratios, as well, this lively awareness of the most exquisite delicacy depends upon there being no connection whatsoever between the components. If A were linked to B, or C to D, mere logic would take the place of analogical perception, thus one of the penalties paid for literacy and a high visual culture is a strong tendency to encounter all things through a rigorous storyline, as it were. Paradoxically, connected spaces and situations exclude participation, whereas discontinuity affords room for involvement. Visual space is connected and creates detachment or non-involvement. It also tends to exclude the participation of the other senses." 

- Marshall McLuhan, "Through The Vanishing Point", 1968

"Reality is as you deem it,

and I certainly won’t leave my footprints
in the proverbial, (or literal), sands of time
being slightly cautious,
and wanting me and my ideas to survive;
I don’t feel like being followed, or hunted
down all the long lonely years (and incarnations)
by those who deem differently than I do
whilst accomplishing that which I Will."  

- J Thrasher, 1969 (from "Two Toned To Stalk", published 1994)

"Watercourse"  Alan Watts video -

A Michael Student comments on the Alan Watts video above:

"I laughed, I smiled.  Mostly I smiled.............................Now I can die.  Most likely I won't, but should I live, I'll watch this over, from YouTube directly so it won't get cut of and can make the visual larger. And I'll hope many others will see it and enjoy it as much as I did."

Alan Watts, in his role as a Western Scholar chain-smoking and 'rapping', in essence 'channeling'
the Wisdom of the East on talk radio, was a staple of the late night/early morning 'hip era" Bay Area FM airwaves, and was the "voice that helped you come down" in the Bay Area for most of the habitues of Psychedelia in late '60s and early '70s.

AOR (Album Oriented Rock) and 'Atlantis Risen' (all the formerly incarnate during the Fall Of Atlantis beatniks and hippies who ushered in an era of social change - see my Blog Post so titled from few months back) had 'liberated' two or three commercial FM radio stations specializing in "Pop" music from their 'Payola Playlist' Top 40 Hits format, in addition to all the college radio stations playing 30 minute songs and jams. These were signals that reached from Sacramento to Stockton and from the sea to the Sierras.

[Historical footnote:  LSD trips generally lasted between 8 and 14 hours, and most of us young, energetic "Keseyan" users/MKULTRA victims/agents/trainees (Ken Kesey's "Merry Prankster/Grateful Dead" LSD ritual use scenarios - "drop acid and then go out and see what reality has to teach you" - read "The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test" by Tom Wolfe - being the Antithesis to the meditative, calm and controlled 'set and setting' psychedelic methodologies of Timothy Leary and the Millbrook gang) would take a hit in the late mornings and then go somewhere or do something to help burn off the incredible 'rush' of energy, as a catalyzed serotonin/dmt cascade, propelling one's consciousness up through the Lower and Upper Astral planes, as this comprised the effects of the first 4 hours or so of any LSD trip on 'decent' acid. "Sunshine" both the "Orange" and the red and green "Christmas" batches was said to "come on like a freight train" (and it certainly did) mostly due to the added STP/DMT (DMT - - occurs naturally in the human brain, BTW, and LSD is not a 'drug', per se, but actually functions as a catalytic agent for the massive alteration of 'natural' human brain chemistry. "Decent" doses we - the 'Fraternity of Psychedelic Missionaries/"Men Who Stare At Goats" - as US Gov supplied and sponsored manufacturers and distributers, usually defined as being between 125 to 400 micrograms of fairly pure, competently synthesized and carefully manufactured LSD - with or without the small additions of STP and/or DMT as 'potentiators' which some underground sources (Leary's Laguna Beach "Brotherhood of Eternal Love" Church sacrament known as "Orange Sunshine" for one, oddly enough, whereas Owlsley "White" was NEVER so adulterated).]

Anyway, by the time the sun had set, one's thoughts began to achieve that clarity of inspirative insight (usually from hours 6 or 8 on through the remainder of the trip) that rendered one quite amenable to Eastern Metaphysical Exposition compared/contrasted with the "Extremism In The Defense Of Liberty" American Fascism/Puritanically Life-Destructive Western Morality that was the dominant Political Ideology of the Pre-Hippie Era 

What was truly odd in the midst of this suppression of Creative License was that the entire Manhattan Project Scientific staff were on a daily "low dose" (5 to 50 micrograms) LSD regime for the duration of the project. As were researchers for other covert projects like "Mountalk" and "Philadelphia"  This indisputable aid to creative cognition having been discovered and researched thoroughly through the '40s and '50s by the chemists and behavioral psychologists of the Third Reich, in Germany until '42 or so, and then here in America for the next 15 years as the '50s saw the continuation of the surreptitious US Gov's "Operation Paperclip", which brought (by all accounts the undisputed total of) 10,000 Nazi War Criminals and their families to America to be provided with new identities, research/intelligence jobs and in the case of the most infamous (Bormann, Himmler, Mengele etc) cover stories delineating their supposed deaths and plastic surgery to render them unrecognizable to their pursuers from Nuremberg.

Alan Watts was just the curative intellectual tonic that appealed to all we 'tripsters' as we were collecting our thoughts after the paradigm shattering experiences of LSD, as we "came down" in the wee hours of those Bay Area mornings, seeking the solidity of conceptualizations that would tie our hours-old new insights to the warp and weft of the tapestry of world history we so fleetingly had gone beyond.

And these explanations of the 'Verities' of non-First World biased philosophies would in turn assist "The Forces Of Light" (New Age Theorists and Practitioners) in their struggle against "The Forces Of Darkness" (Barry Goldwater and his ilk, parroting their Fourth Reich masters, to this day still ensconsed in the US GOV Intelligence Agencies - remember, the CIA/OSS was actually started by a Nazi Staff Officer: Reinhard Gehlen -  and in the present day American Conservative Political movement, IMNSHO, fascism (TRUE FASCISM = NATIONAL SOCIALISM = NAZI-ISM not some idiotic illiterate attempt to call Obama a "Nazi") still drips from every pore of their chosen Icons - men like Jesse Helms, John Birch, Strom Thurmond, Richard Nixon, Dick Cheney etc).

The Members of TOMG (The Original Michael Group) Chelsea Quinn Yarbro and other Bay Area intelligensia/metaphysical researchers could not have avoided Watt's influence, as it permeated all spiritual and sociological strata for a decade, and its legacy persists, I avow, to this very day.
What I have found odd also, is the many years of denial of actual facts of well publicized, no longer disputed Conspiracies, like Operation Paperclip, or Operation Northwoods etc, by Dave Gregg and HIS ilk.  It is almost as though in order for people who believe they KNOW the "true core" of the Michael Teachings to relate to reality at all, they must deny all data supportive of MT Students who believe the CGY MTs were 'off the mark' (according to The Michael, for the past 35 years an entire Higher/ Esoteric aspect of the Teachings has been obfuscated by people such as Mr Gregg and their attempts at revisionist History!)

Just passing on what I know, you know, so if it works for you, use it!   And if it doesn't, don't.  All opinions to the contrary considered and/or formally Debated (with great pleasure) if anyone so desires a dialectic.

And Bill, this is a continuation of my reply to your query about "Montauk", establishing some of the circumstances that led to my parallel engagement in that subject material, which I will attempt to summarize and update from certain of my, now years old, foundationally explicative Blog ("Letters To My Future Selves") posts.  Slainte`,  - Jondalf

Atlantis Risen (Who Them Damn Hippies Were) And Michael Channel Musings

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"You will not be able to stay home, brother.
You will not be able to plug in, turn on and cop out.
You will not be able to lose yourself on skag and skip,
Skip out for beer during commercials,
Because the revolution will not be televised." 

  - Gil Scott-Heron, "The Revolution Will Not Be Televised"

(A piece which, if you could not recite it by heart upon first meeting some
counterculture groups,  would have you branded as a narc, or a cop or an informer ! RIP Brother Gil !)

CLAIRVOYANT, n. A person, commonly a woman, who has the power of seeing that which is invisible to her patron, namely, that he is a blockhead. - Ambrose Bierce, "The Devil's Dictionary"

 "I sat upon the shore
Fishing, with the arid plain behind me
Shall I at least set my lands in order?
London Bridge is falling down falling down falling down Poi s'ascose nel foco che gli affina
Quando fiam uti chelidon—O swallow swallow
Le Prince d'Aquitaine à la tour abolie
These fragments I have shored against my ruins
Why then Ile fit you. Hieronymo's mad againe.
Datta. Dayadhvam. Damyata.
Shantih shantih shantih"  - T. S. Eliot, "The Wasteland"

A Michael Student  asked:

Being a child of the turbulent 60ies in the US and attending a large university,
I observed the dynamics of the young folks at that time...the hippies, the civil
rights activities, the questioning of authority and traditions, etc.
Has Michael ever channeled any teachings about the significance of this
period in US history, culture, and possible progress for humanity?
Did incarnation of certain Roles, Soul ages, etc. during this period have
any significant participation in these dynamics? Any comments appreciated."

(A Question/Pitch RIGHT In My 'Wheelhouse' This):

The entire experience of the '60s  was always thought of by US, (the people who were personified as its proponents) when there, as though we were the advance force (some said the "gunfodder") of some revolutionary army,  sent to establish a beachhead in hostile territory ("Amerika" we named it: the Nixon/Goldwater "ExtremistDefenseState") for eventual use by the invading divisions of "The Army Of The Age Of Aquarius".

The Michael stated the US was slowly changing its majority Soul Age from Young to Mature some said, others from Infant to Young - I thought the latter, but I don't remember a consensus, but the time was a tipping point.  This feeling of social collectivism combined with a sense of the need for a radical alteration of this nation's (and the world's) spirituality was presaged by many, from Norman O Brown on down.  I first heard this ethic espoused in public  in 1968 by my 'upaguru' Steve Gaskin during that groundbreaking experiment in Akashic Gestalt known as "Monday Night Class".

I, and others, including some Michael Channels were clearly told that all the Hippies, had all been together as an:

Infamous historical intentional community. 

An 'empathically/telepathically linked self-aware cultural gestalt'.  One of the largest, legendary 'Working Group - Task Companion" compilations ever to evolve/attempted:  

A "Cadre of Cadres of Cadres" - what's that? 350,000 fragments total? If everyone jumped overEntityboard at the same time? Seems about right for total 'hippie' distribution worldwide as of 1970 or so.

Actually, Edgar Cayce was the first to intimate any descriptions of just who and what had self-scheduled their re-appearence around this time in one of his 10,000 recorded sessions and I think that word just got passed around. 

Anyway I was always told that we were the last generation, the entire Culture, left on Atlantis when it sank. And, before it went, which was foreseen, we also divined and strategized and planned to appear as an humongous irresistible egalitarian group-grope, to ameliorate our collective karma for having misused our enlightenment for selfish, rather than selfless gain, and therewith and thereby having caused Atlantean demise (something to do with these honking great crystal interdimensional power/gateway things, and their overloading).

Some of us though, who were there then, but also had an overview from hundreds rather than tens of thousands of years, believed that our eternal temporal nemeses, the "IckeGeckos", though agents of their allies, the "bad" Swedish-looking aliens, had actually pulled of their most successful temporal op. ever, and had bombed the crystals from the other side.

Anyway, that's as much as I remember now - there's plenty of related Mu and Lemuria and Pangaea stuff I could get into, but maybe someone else has it. Hope it helps. Good to get it out and recorded though much like it is disappearing under the weight of Christo-Fascist propaganda (like America being founded as a "Christian" nation - what poppycock!  Read Thomas Paine's: "The Age Of Reason", or Jefferson's attempt at a decent retranslation of the Bible if you doubt.)  There are notable exceptions to the ability to research History (try finding stuff on the 2nd. Amendment on Google) that are SO obvious as 'threadbare areas', in the normally thick fabric of 20th Century History that one knows who the redacters are, and what is their agenda.

On the other hand, a LOT of evidence of what shaped this era into what we who lived through it experienced,  and through that existential conditioning,  came to believe,  HAS been published and can be found easily, for the most part. Those notable exceptions SCREAM:  DELETED - DELETED-DELETED  to all save the most credulous. Or those in agreement of preventing the American Voting Public from seeing what former elected officials - USUALLY THOSE OF THE CONSERVATIVE/FASCIST PERSUASION -have actually been recorded as doing  (not a lot of instances of Democrats destroying documents proving the military, or the intelligence community broke the Law, their crimes more tend to involve destroying evidence of adultry, or embezzlement, stuff like that, which generally doesn't obfuscate incidences of Treason, gross historical data redaction to prevent War  Crimes prosecution. etc.

Because I cannot defend myself anymore on the MT Forum site itself  (because I sometimes react with irascibility when having my veracity rudely impugned, repeatedly by people who assert they know more about what The Michael Teachings was or is, when they were not there then, than do people who were! There! Then! ) above are more credible sources (CBS News? The National Security Archives?) about Operation Northwoods. The existence of which, and important or trivial details of aspects of the conspiracy asserted by me have been called events never occured  (why do these types of criminals never seem to feel the same about non-existent events PROVEN never to have occured:  like "The Gulf Of Tonkien Incident" or "Iraqi weapons of mass destruction"? )

 Some info about documents which may have referred to the "Detroit Plan" I had from my CIA contacts in MKULTRA (most especially, during the Nixon inspired: "Operation Sunshine"). Having been trained in classic Debate, I rarely make statements that I cannot prove with credible evidence regarding times through which I lived, and that I have researched, verified and validated, to corroberate my own experiences, since the 'incredible' '60s.  I also remember being apprised by folk close to the Group, of the circumstances I relate about Michael evidently channeling Classified Information, of which knowledge of the "Detroit Option" of "Northwoods" was the most provocative to the actual Nazi war criminals then running the US Intelligence Community (and I have links to hundreds of PDF pages of declassified CIA documents, proving Nazis were in charge of US Intell then, posted on my sites).  Just look up "Operation Paperclip", for yet another well documented "conspiracy", that is acknowledged by all Historians.

All I asserted was that Michael channeled gov secrets, and the Origional Group was threatened by the Agents of the NSA  and that experience put the original precepts/traditions like  - independent dedication of  Michael Channels to: "answering any question posed"; and channeling  data on "Current Affairs" ,  or the "probabilty of popular trends/cultural ev0lution/probability of Justice being served NO LONGER A PART OF THE TEACHINGS, WHEN THEY WERE, FROM THE BEGINNING,  A MAINSTAY OF THE TEACHINGS.  Yet, people who were NOT there then, in positions of relative authority and responsibility now, are allowed to deny what the  Teachings were, and distort History and ALWAYS in a fashion that seems to indicate they care more for the views of criminal government policies that deceive the American voter than serving a true History of the Teachings.

I, for one, refuse to let twisted revisionist views (like those of the current MT moderator) of what the Teachings are, or should be, change what I know about them, and I have heard from many older students who feel the same.  

Ultimately, it doesn't matter if people don't believe in Conspiracy Theories. They are proven to have existed, and have been acknowledged by the US Gov, sometimes as reparations (if anyone but me had been paying attention). So like The Michael says: "A leaf doesn't have to believe in clorophyll to be green".

[I was given a copy of the following document in 1972, by my ex-Marine CIA contact who got it from Bruce personally. This was one of my contact's sources for the "Northwoods" doc info. I still have many pages of these types of evidence, diligently purged of any documents considered to be "non-existent"by the Gov. after total redaction by various agencies.  We learned the hard way: disappearences of researchers and anti-government activists adamantly refusing to bury or burn their dangerous evidence were frequent, some went to Chile, some Iran, some, the Pacific - I'm serious - George White, head of the OSS ("retired" to Stinson Beach in the '60s) admitted it! (have documentation).

At one time (before the Watergate scandal) even possessing written lists of the identities of the now infamous Watergate burglers may have affected one person we believed was "disappeared", just like in South America at the time, for possessing such a list.) Jeez, between 1960 and 1970, 130 UFO researchers (yes, I have links to lists of them all) died or disappeared under mysterious circumstances, many announcing the probable culprits and leaving evidence beforehand. Any attempts to deny the realities of those dark days in American History, by those who weren't there nor who've not done due diligence in validation of the facts, should only identify them as unworthy, IMNSHO, of at least their the right to vote.]
Harumph!  - Thrasher

"The Gemstone File is a series of documents by the American writer Bruce Porter Roberts (1919–1976). The best-known document is probably the 23-page "A Skeleton Key to the Gemstone File", written by Stephanie Caruana in 1975, which presents a brief, undocumented series of claims that conspiracies and suppressed information played a major role in shaping world events since the 1950s. In particular, this document named three individuals as the shooters of President John F. Kennedy, and suggested connections between a number of political assassinations which occurred within a relatively short time frame.

    1 Outline
    2 Books
    3 In fiction
    4 References
    5 External links

Factsheet Five publisher Mike Gunderloy collected and distributed several versions of the Gemstone File. Gunderloy has explained that the original Gemstone File was simply a list of contributors to Committee to Re-elect the President (CREEP), while the subsequent versions gradually linked various figures of the Watergate and Kennedy eras.



Roberts says in his Gemstone File letters that he began sending out copies of what had been a private journal to selected people, including journalists, politicians, and heads of foreign states, in 1968. He claimed to have written letters to 27 heads of state which influenced the vote in the United Nations which ousted Taiwan from the United Nations and admitted China instead. "The Gemstone File: A Memoir," by Stephanie Caruana, includes the text of two letters addressed to President Josip Broz Tito of Yugoslavia and Anwar Sadat of Egypt in 1975."  -wikipedi
Slainte`, - Jondalf

PS: I may miss my next bi-monthly. I have been tracked down (had 'em fooled for
60 years though) and prevailed upon to resume some of my participation in my
"Home" Order and Organization and to tell the truth I've missed the ABSOLUTE
dedication to preservation and archiving of all the channeled data, and even
publication of books of long metaphysical letters between all of us at the time,
trying to "Make a Science Of Religion".

I still feel compelled to whine about all the constant timewasting assertions of Antithesis to recollections one MT Student may have that another may not, as compared to a similiar organization of which I was a member lastlife: "The Hermetic Order Of The Golden Dawn" who did a far better job of compilation and preservation of data, with less technology, and about 10,000 times the data, including many channeled messages.

 The lack of any original members to preserve the body of "Work", and cross-reference/crosslink their sites I attribute to both the commercial nature of The Michael Teachings, and the unseen influence of Chelsea Quinn Yarbro, who I think believed thought she could "copyright" The Michael Entity itself, kinda' like Starfire Tor believes she "invented" 'quantum jumping' or first came up with the "Matrix" concept ) which I can prove was first published in a 1963 Sci-Fi book entitled "Simulacron 3". 


Each Michael Channel has a "Trademarked", or Copyrighted propriety upon their own data, their own body of work, and, unlike The American Federation Of Astrologers, or the National Geocosmic Research Council, or even the American Tarot Association there is no Board of Certification, or Oversite Commitee, dedicated to preservation of the integrity of the first wordwide largescale project to empirically confirm download data over decades, from one large "server", not even in physical existence, through numerous portals, at wildly variable rates and resolutions, from totally disparate cells in the database.  How could such an important endeavor, which I certified as indestructible by the '90, have fallen so far?  There can be only one conclusion to which a competent Process Engineer could come:  somewhere, somehow, THE GOVERNMENT HAD SCREWED UP MY RELIGION!

 I wish all The Michael Teachings could be collected, collated, copied,
cross-referenced, compiled and finally published, with subject-heading indexes.
To think a group of eccentric Englishmen found the time to mount multiple Mt
Everest attempts, write hundreds of books (first drafts in longhand), collect
sacred and metaphysical texts worldwide, research those texts origin and
provenance. Publish overviews, critiques, compilations and amalgamations.
Design apparatus, experiment, compare and contrast.

Compile volumes of equivalencies, equations. Hold lectures, meetings, study
groups, Network with other organizations in similiar fields of study. Publish
monographs an treatises, novels and books of Poetry. Compile the largest
comparative collection of the History and extent of Metaphysical and Spiritual
knowledge since the burning of the Library of Alexandria, and do it for the
'Work' alone, with No "lust of result" - never make a dime. And then, share it
all with the world, for free. Such was the "Hermetic Order Of The Golden Dawn",
and the legacy of it's 'Giants': MacGregor Mathers, William Butler Yeats,
Aleister Crowley and Israel Regardie.

A Question For The Michael Teachings: Was one of the above one of MY
incarnations, if any? The answer may surprise you.

"Love Is The Law, Love Under Will" - Jondalf
  "If Atlantean lineage is currently in charge.. and the atlantean fable is not what it seems but one of look I have been injured too: Tiamat goes poof, Lemuria gets pummeled to oblivion, the annunaki/atlanteans cry because they were forced to obliterate all they had worked for. The ruling atlanteans sidestep in time and space, and they hold the line to provide the cover history. The whole point is to erase Lemu. Literally. That is why American Natives and South American natives have been victim to genocide and still are. The campaign has never stopped. In those times, in this time, and until those lines are literally extinct the campaign will not end. When the campaign which is helped along by the cover story is completed there will be no more rebellious races. Literally."   - - from: