Monday, December 12, 2011

Channeling The Spirit Of Woody Guthrie For The "Occupy Wall Street Folk"

Man cannot serve two masters: God and Mammon." - anon, long before Judaism

"They got the guns, but we got the numbers." - Jim Morrison

This is for the "Occupy Wall Street" folk.
... No Koch brothers around to rent them all buses
and make them a movement. But they know, they know well that
"Class Warfare" only ever killed the poor.

And for all the bloodied and longsuffering Anarcho-Syndicalists,
remembering the ancient 'Wobblies', who died slowly, just trying to breathe
after the Asbestos Industry "1%" declared themselves,
and their "freemarket", morally bankrupt.

For the hundreds of Union coal miners hacking up black bits of lung
as they died buried alive turning a profit for the same "1%".

For Woody Guthrie, whose guitar'machine'"killed Fascists",
and for Pete Seeger, and Joe Hill, and all the women & children massacred
at Ludlow, Colorado, with NONE of their slayers ever charged with a crime -
because the murdering thugs were defending the profits of the ""1".

And for those who fight today in the streets
of "Babylon, USA" interposing their bodies upon the gears,
and insinuating themselves into the mechanisms of the GROSS "National Product".

But most of all, this is for all the "Hip" who,
like Phil Ochs, & Hamilton Camp, & Joan Baez, & Ani DiFranco,
never stopped believing, nor let us forget:

Democracy is something Sacred, and Capitalism profoundly profane!      -  Jondalf John Thrasher

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Saturday, December 10, 2011

The Sacred And the Profane

"Man cannot serve two masters: God and Mammon." - anon (long before Judaism)

"They got the guns, but we got the numbers." - Jim Morrison

The best acoustic rendition link extant, wish Hamilton had a 50 year old demo to share

Quicksilver Messenger Service's original studio release

'Pride Of Man"

(by Hamilton Camp - all apologies for the textual modifications by me,
but that's the way I heard it back then - J)

Turn around, go back down,
back the way you came.
Can't you see that flash of fire
Ten times brighter than the day?
And behold a mighty city
Broken in the dust again.
Oh God, Pride Of Man, broken in the dust again.

Turn around, go back down,
Back the way you came.
Babylon is laid to waste,
Egypt buried in her shame.
Their mighty men are beaten down
Their kings are fallen in the ways.
Oh God, Pride Of Man, broken in the dust again.

Turn around, go back down,
Back the way you came.
Terror is on every side,
Though our leaders are dismayed.
For those who put their faith in fire
In fire their faith shall be repaid!
Oh God, Pride Of Man, broken in the dust again.

Turn around, go back down
Back the way you came,
And shout a warning to the nations:
That the Sword of God is raised
'Gainst Babylon, that might city
Rich her treasure, wide her fame.
Oh God, Pride Of Man, broken in the dust again.

And Greed shall cause your Towers to fall
And make of them a pyre of flame.
Oh you who dwell on many waters,
Rich in treasure, wide your fame.
You BOW unto your GOD OF GOLD,
Thy pride of might shall be thy shame.
For only a God can lead all people
Back unto the Earth again.
Oh God, Pride Of Man, broken in the dust again

The holy mountain can be restored.
Have mercy on thy peoples:

ALL people,  Lord.

(any proprietary royalties for printing this here, I will gladly pay
if I ever get another Unemployment Check, or from the savings
I'm hoarding to buy new 6 tires, and a new roof for my 1985
Toyota "'Dalph'in" 21ft Motorhome - the only pension 40 years
as a Master Machinist and proud American 'Craftsman'
in a Manufacturing Industry the "1%" sent 'oversiezed' when
they convinced the Political "Intelligentsia", of BOTH parties
that we should all work at Wal-Mart, or McDonald's, instead,
and be damn thankful if we didn't end up like modern day Charlie Chaplin
tramps 20 years hence, muttering: "  .  .  .  nien  .  .  .  nien  .  .  .  nien  .  .  .  "
whilst panhandling spare change from Mitt, and Newt, and Michelle,
and the Donald, and Rush, and Bills (Clinton AND O'Reilly) and Barack
and even Bernie Madoff, as they exit their 'electraglide' limos
on 2030's Wall Street,   - J)

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Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Score One For The White Hats

My friends,

Let us celebrate!  Let us thank the "White Hat" FBI, CIA, CBI and DEA for finally becoming effectively prosecutorial of the complicity of law enforcement in the ongoing white slavery rings, and C.I. undercover Crimes Against Humanity perpetrated by West (and South) Metro Drug Enforcement Task Forces in the Denver, Colorado area from 2001 to2004.  One of the co-conspiritors to whomn I tipped the Colorado Bureau Of Investigation in 2003, in my attempts to make authorities aware of this problem (please see my post "The Escape From Sprachland" and subsequent epistles from 2004 of my Blog: )

has been apprehended finally, and will face justice:

Hopefully, this will lead to subsequent arrests of current and former members of the Adam's County Sheriff's Dept.; Metro Task Force Officers and C.I.s; as well as complicit Jefferson County Sheriff's Dept. and JeffCo. officials & employees, including the former Jefferson County Sheriff who took early retirement when my allegations became known to Washington, D.C. CIA, & C.B.I. staff.        

"Ye shall know the Truth, and the Truth shall make you free."   - Jondalf
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Letter To A Friend (w/intro. & current status update)

Hey Kids,

Well, just to briefly say hi to all, and clarify my present status: My personal computer has been hacked offline. I am in the process of repairing it, and am coming to you now from my public library. My status as an unrepentant, loudmouth Anarcho-Syndicalist Blogger (and FaceBook "Public Figure" as so deemed by Zuckerberg & Co.) causes me to be the recipient of incensed hacking from right-wing ideologues. My computers are rendered inoperable once or twice a year, so it's not like I'm not used to it. I will be back online soon with some marvelous new insights, AND my offer to test my own 86% accuracy in Divination over the last 20 years with an offer to vette stocks submitted to me by MTSC members for profitability (1 month predictions at first). Love to all, keep the faith, "Letter To A Friend" to follow:

Sent Nov 13:

Hey Friend. I don't know of how much of my history you are aware, but I started to study 'Channeling' in 1968 when I began attending an historic experiment in social dynamics, metaphysical instuction and Intentional Community Building: "Monday Night Class":

So, by the time "MFM" was published, I had already been channeling the Akashic for almost 2 decades, and was quite widely versed in the rigors of 'Entity' channeling, as opposed to getting info from the Akashic Records, where I have a distinct edge: I have had 2 Cherubim (the inhabitants of the Akashic Plane, that Edgar Cayce saw as "Librarians") for my Spirit Guides, for many lifetimes. I have no idea why I have been so blessed.

My decision to pursue channeling as an endeavor led to my decision to confine my vocabulary to the OED. I am a lexicographer, poet, and student of the English language with few peers. The Michael Entity has told me I have the best (most words, least biased) English, Epistemology and Philosophy vocabulary of all Michael Channels currently in practice, but I am a 'one trick pony': I am also probably, the LEAST receptive Michael Channel in History.

THIS was why I chose dictionaries the way I did - it was the only way I could exchange memes with the 'MOST' receptive Michael Channels, and the Michael seemed to think that necessary. Now that I have finally met most of the English speaking Michael Channels, and I am a 'witness to History' (the ME predicted - at least to me - 'final collective push to collect and correct the data comprising the database for the Teachings', at least 20 years ago.)

Now, about my unique method of writing Essays (or answering MT queries in e-mails). It is all I can do to CATCH most of the conceptual data being broadcast in my general direction, by the ME, which I receive generally at about the "third harmonic of the 17th spike wave" mentioned in TOMG transcript. If you didn't know, 17hz is about the same frequency associated with Epileptic siezures, as measured by an EEG, so with my (D.I.D.) = "Multiple Personality Disorder", which my Priest ET, who was my grandmother, initiated with sexual abuse until I was 3, all I can do is get the ME to guide me to a link for the meme, so that I don't have to try to write an explanation in real time. I do apologise for the awkwardness. (I will probably post most of this e-mail, if you do not object, so others who do not know my 'story' can learn why I am so 'handicapped' as a Medium).

Finally, I can assure you, I (& the ME and most of the Admin here) also and still, have the same feelings you describe above, but about the forming of the final 'Working Group' for the elucidation and dissemination of the new (original) 'Teachings'. Believe it or not, this is a VERY mutable 'nexus' we have come upon here since 11/11/11, AND there are actually beings and forces opposed to these 'Teachings' becoming public here, so some of us don't even "know that we know", if you catch my meaning. Until the ME, by channeling ME as I 'peruse' the transcripts , is satisfied no rougue meme or religious fervor will hijack or obfuscate the intended 'esoteric' and 'higher' meanings CQY ignored, your open-hearted aspiration and willingness to devote yourself to a new spiritual project with a bunch of strangers will shame us all, until we are sure 'the coast is clear' and the ME signals the 'all-clear', and we can collectively 'high-five" you. Make any sense?

Love y'all.  Back soon. Your friend and "'hippy-dippy' medium rare`", - Jondalf

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Friday, November 11, 2011

The Eyes Of Nostradamus

'Jesus saith: "Blessed is the man who knoweth this [Word] and hath brought down the Heaven, and borne the earth and raised  it heavenwards; and it [the Earth] becometh the midst, for it is a nothing.'"
The Heaven is explained as being the invisible Word of the Father. They who know this--(who become children of the true  Mind)--bring down Heaven to Earth. The raising of Earth to Heaven is the ceasing from being an earthly intelligence, by  receiving the Word of these Gnoses (pl.) and becoming a Dweller in Heaven.'


"In perennialist usage, esotericism is a metaphysical concept referring to a supposed “transcendent unity” of all great  religious traditions. Esotericism is the metaphysical point of unity where exoteric religions are believed to converge.
“Our starting point is the acknowledgment of the fact that there are diverse religions which exclude each other. This could  mean that one religion is right and that all the others are false; it could mean also that all are false. In reality, it  means that all are right, not in their dogmatic exclusivism, but in their unanimous inner signification, which coincides  with pure metaphysics, or in other terms, with the philosophia perennis.” (F. Schuon, 1995).

- from:

"If you go to a higher level than this one, it will still be a content of consciousness [rather than consciousness itself];  and if you go up to an even higher level, or even to the level of being itself, there will always be a content of  consciousness. Unfortunately this is an idea which neither Ouspensky or Gurdjieff could grasp. Although Ouspensky talks  about the fourth state of consciousness, he fails to understand that it could be analyzed just as at the empirical level or  any level....This is true of all the seven levels of existence, even if you live in the angelic world. So if someone comes  from another level of existence and said, "Yes, but your analysis doesn't hold for my plane of existence" I would say, "Is  it a content? Is it an experience for you? Is it a world that you are perceiving? Is there a perception taking place? You  know it? Yes? Then it's subject to the same analysis." That's how it cuts through everything and that's why this teaching  is direct and the most comprehensive one you will find. This teaching has been around for thousands of years and it won't  disappear."                           - Anthony Damiani

"Sliding" Between "Goals"

My Friends,

I will answer all your previous e-mail and comments over the next week or so.  I have been "Listening" (with a capital "L")  to my guides, Michael and a few other sources, for the past three weeks, waiting for Neptune to turn direct.  It has, I  have some messages, and I'll try to get back to everyone

I have transitioned, by 'sliding'(MT), between 'Growth' and 'Re-Ev.' at least 20 times I can easily recall, thislife ('bout  40 times, total).  The transition from 'Re-Ev.' to 'Growth' is always effortless, unobtrusive and trauma-free.  The  transition from 'Growth to 'Re-Ev.'(which I have just completed) on the other hand, is almost always fraught with angst,  self-scrutiny, introversion, bi-polar type 'sine-wave' depression troughs and massive, temporary, "Self-Dep." (not even in  my "top-5" CFs in sequence - it's #6).

I always associated this more with 'imprinting', and the 'lack-of-self-worth' tag this culture places upon the 'un- worthiness' of an individual not engaged in "productive labor" (aka" "Protestant Work Ethic": justification of one's  existence though productivity, of some sort).  Then I thought: "Hell, John, you're still on speaking terms with a couple  dozen of the world's most knowledgeable, incisive and ethical metaphysical researchers, Mediums, Channels, and students of  both the MT, and Western Mystery traditions, ask them."  So I am.

Anyone else out there experience resistance 'sliding' one direction in their "Goal" oscillation, but not the other? (That  is, if you frequent 2 Goals, as I do - Micheal says there are some out there that slide through 3 or 4 'Goals' regularly -  or any related stuff, like 'sliding' Modes, Attitudes etc.

The "Geomantic Automatic Typing Oracle"

You know folks, sometimes I hesitate (I never refuse to pursue ANY query) to answer a question, because I know my answer is  going to cause controversy down the road, so I have to 'kick back' for a few weeks and have an 'in depth' colloquy with the  parts of the ME that speak to ME directly.

That sentence is the first controversy (I saw this coming before Troy even initiated his grousing about 'people claiming to  be Michael Channels') so   .  .  .  another facet of the MT will be explored here that is long overdue for more exposition:

When one channels Michael, does one converse with the "entire" Entity, or with various 'former fragments', dependent upon  congruencies between the Channel and parts of the ME?

My own experiences, & careful reading of some of Joya Pope's 'Good Work' has always pointed to the latter part of the above  question as the actual way channeling Michael works.  Any advanced students care to disagree, please, dive in. So,  different channels get their input from different 'parts' of the ME, right?  Is there an 'executive function' or super-ego  or "Librarians" (happens with the Akashic Records and resident Cherubim)  that might be addressed instead, as  'spokesentity'?  If so, no-one seems to have located it (the 'guy' J.P. said looked like "Mr.Clean" maybe?).

I spent many years of my life, studying everything I thought pertinent to the question:  "Is there a way to validate or  verify the veracity of claims about the paranormal?"

This one turns out to be easy - long-term data collection and statistical analysis of actions and activities that fall  "outside" the range of Multivariate Normality Tests:

Checking a given set of data for similarity (or variance) to/from the multivariate normal distribution. The null hypothesis  is that the data set is similar to the normal distribution, therefore a sufficiently small p-value indicates non-normal  data. Multivariate normality tests include the Cox-Small test, and Smith and Jain's adaptation of the Friedman-Rafsky test.

Most 'cutting-edge" mathematicians had determined there were either real indications of human paranormal abilities, a realm  of "spirituality" unmapped, or unknown multi-dimensional, non-commutative geometries and their interactions with human  sensoria, as of then undefined (or a combination of all three) at work by the time George Hinton (a devotee of the "Fourth  Way") wrote "Non Euclidian Geometries" (1901) or Ouspensky claimed motion did not exist, in "Tertium Organum".

From CS Nott's book "Teachings of Gurdjieff- A Pupil's Journal":

"One day in Paris I met an acquaintance from New York who spoke about the possibilities of publishing modern literature. As  I showed some interest, he offered to introduce me to a friend of his who was thinking of going into publishing, and we  arranged to meet the following day at the Select in Montparnasse. His friend arrived;it was Aleister Crowley. Drinks were  ordered, for which of course I paid, and we began to talk. Crowley had magnetism, and the kind of charm which many  charlatans have; he also had a dead weight that was somewhat impressive. His attitude was fatherly and benign, and a few  years earlier I might have fallen for it. Now I saw and sensed that I could have nothing to do with him. He talked in  general terms about publishing, and then drifted into his black-magic jargon.

"To make a success of anything," he said, "including publishing, you must have a certain combination. Here you have a  Master, here a Bear, there the Dragon- a triangle which will bring results..." and so on and so on. When he fell silent I  said, "Yes, but one must have money. Am I right in supposing that you have the necessary capital?". "I?" he asked, "No not  a franc." "Neither have I." I said.

Knowing that I was at the Prieure he asked me if I would get him an invitation there. But I did not wish to be responsible  for introducing such a man. However, to my surprise, he appeared there a few days later and was given tea in the salon. The  children were there, and he said to one of the boys something about his son who he was teaching to be a devil. Gurdjieff  got up and spoke to the boy, who thereupon took no further notice of Crowley. There was some talk between Crowley and  Gurdjieff, who kept a sharp watch on him all the time. I got the strong impression of two magicians, the white and the  black- the one strong, powerful, full of light; the other also powerful but heavy, dull and ignorant. Though "black"" was  too strong a word for Crowley; he never understood the meaning of real black magic, yet hundreds of people came under his  "spell". He was clever. But as Gurdjieff says: "He is stupid who is clever."

Orage said about this:"Alas poor Crowley, I knew him well. We used to meet at the Society for Psychical Research when I was  acting secretary. Once when we were talking he asked: "By the way, what number are you?" Not knowing in the least what he  meant, I said on the spur of the moment, "Twelve". "Good God, are you really?" he replied, "I'm only seven".

Interesting. If the Gurdjieff biographer was just a spectacular but isolated example of a bigot who did not profit from  Gurdjieff Teachings (where he "buried his nuggets" and deliberately obfuscated his own teachings to make his students  "work" harder for their realizations) it would be one thing, but this "overwhelmed by Greed","loveless", "tyrannical", and  "supremely arrogant" "fakir"" (contemporaneous critiques from his students and 'friends') did his best to sully whatever  memes The Michael supposedly 'taught' him, with one of the worst examples and legacies of the 'turn of the century'  Spiritualist Movement.

Compare Gurdjieff's 'body of work' with Rudolph Steiner's, or Alice Bailey's or Ann Besant's, or Max Heindal's,or even  Crowley's. With the benefit of 100 years of hindsight, we now know that Gurdjieff was batsh*t crazy (dozens of 'students'  "cut up and relocate a lawn in inch sized pieces" to 'gain enlightenment' - rubbish) and the much maligned Crowley, far  from being a boogeyman "black magician", was the catalyst for an empirical approach to spirituality thatconfounds deluded  dogmatic Judeo-Christo-Fascists to this day.  Ouspensky, the man who "made" Gurdjieff, and a far better Spiritualist and  Teacher, gave him up after one too many idiotic psuedo-Sufi requests.

As for Crowley:  "Crowley has remained an influential figure and is widely thought of as the most influential occultist of  all time. In 2002, a BBC poll described him as being the seventy-third greatest Briton of all time. References to him can  be found in the works of numerous writers, musicians and filmmakers, and he has also been cited as a key influence on many  later esoteric groups and individuals, including Kenneth Anger, Jimmy Page, Kenneth Grant, Jack Parsons, Gerald Gardner,  Robert Anton Wilson and, to some degree, Austin Osman Spare." -

"Being the premier mountaineer of his era, in 1905, a party headed by Crowley made the first attempt at climbing the  mountain Kangchenjunga, making 25,000 feet (w/o oxygen, or modern thermal gear) before treacherous conditions turned him  back. Later ascents provied that Crowley's 1905 route, investigated by the 1954 reconnaissance for the first successful  ascent, was viable."  Crowley had also been part of the team attempting the 1902 ascent of K2:

"The Savage Mountain"

Dubbed the "Savage Mountain," K2 in the Himalayas is Earth’s second-highest peak and among the top three hardest climb in  the world. With a 8,611-meter (28,250-foot) summit and surrounding weather that is significantly colder and less  predictable than on Everest, reaching the top of K2 and coming down alive is every veteran mountaineers dream.

K is for Karakorum and K2 was first summitted on this day, July 31, in 1954. Since then, there have been around 240 summits  (compared with approximately 2000 on Everest). Fifty six climbers have died on K2, twenty-two while descending from the  summit. In terms of the overall summit/fatality rate of 23%, it is the third most deadly mountain in the world. Only Nanga  Parbat and Annapurna are deadlier. K2s statistics for female climbers are particularly dramatic. Some even say K2 is  "cursed" for women. Six women have reached the top, but of those 6, three died on the descent. (2 have since died on other  8,000-meter peaks.)

Situated in the middle of an isolated paradise, it is thought to be part of the fictional Shangri-La that James Hilton  wrote about in Lost Horizon. In spite of the dangers, the mountain continues to lure climbers to it´s slopes of dark gray  rock. It is the ultimate fear and as such must be faced and overcome by climbers aiming for alpine excellence. In scaling  Everest, you are a great climber to the world. Summit K2, and you are a true climber to climbers.

The first attempt on K2 took place in 1902. One of the members of the doomed expedition, the ‘wickedest man on Earth’ and  also one mean climber, was Aleister Crowley. He had many important solo climbs in the Western Alps, including a couple of  firsts. For several years he had been moving swiftly up the ranks of the occult orders much to the dismay of the senior  members. After offending just about every person involved in black magic at the turn of the 20th century and incurring  several ‘attacks’, Crowley left his home in London. An accomplished climber, he found his way on to the K2 expedition.

The irreverent and bizarre Crowley wanted to attack the South-East Ridge but the team decided on the North-East Crest. As  it turned out Crowley was right; the team had to turn back at 6,000 meters. To make his point during the frustration of  failure, Crowley took out a revolver and threatened several members of the team. The expedition regrouped and planned for a  second attempt.

A second attempt, this time via the saddle between K2 and Skyang Kangri (7,544m, The Staircase), redeemed Crowley and his  superb mountaineering skills. When a fellow climber was struck by pulmonary edema, Crowley was the only one to recognize  the severity and insisted on taking the sick man off the mountain. This decision saved the climber’s life but prevented the  team from reaching the peak."

- from:

AND, this is the man who helped give us:

"Qabalah" is the spelling generally used to indicate the use of Kabbalah as an occult and practical magical system.  In  it's modern form it is the creation (or adaptation) of Eliphas Levi, and even more so S. L. "MacGregor" Mathers, the co- founder of The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn.  This was a magickal organisation which incorporated Judaic Kabbalah,  Egyptology, Rosicrucianism, ritual magic, astrology, tarot, and the Indian tattwa system (as interpreted through Theosophy)

My Current Edit Of The Wikipedia Post: "Aleister Crowley"
(of course I have an account)

"Aleister Crowley (/ˈkroÊŠli/; 1875–1947), born Edward Alexander Crowley, and also known as both Frater Perdurabo and The  Great Beast, was an influential English occultist, astrologer, mystic and ceremonial magician, responsible for founding the  religious philosophy of Thelema. He was also successful in various other fields, chess, poetry and mountaineering. Being  one of the the premier mountaineers of his era, he had many important solo climbs in the Western Alps, including a couple  of firsts. In 1905, a party headed by Crowley made the first attempt at climbing Kangchenjunga, making 25,000 feet (w/o  oxygen, or modern thermal gear) later ascents proving that Crowley's 1905 route, investigated in the course of the 1954  reconnaissance for the first successful ascent of K2, was viable. Crowley had also been part of the team attempting the  1902 ascent of K2.

Born into a wealthy upper class family, as a young man he became an influential member of the esoteric Hermetic Order of  the Golden Dawn after befriending the order's leader, Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers. Subsequently believing that he was  being contacted by his Holy Guardian Angel, an entity known as Aiwass, while staying in Egypt in 1904, he "received" a text  known as The Book of the Law from what he believed was a divine source, and around which he would come to develop his new  philosophy of Thelema. He would go on to found his own occult society, the A∴A∴ and eventually rose to become a leader of  Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O.), before founding a religious commune in Cefalù known as the Abbey of Thelema, which he led  from 1920 through till 1923. After being evicted from Cefalù he returned to Britain, where he continued to promote Thelema  until his death.

Crowley was also bisexual, a "brain chemistry suffrage proponent" - recreational drug experimenter and a social critic. In  many of these roles he "was in revolt against the moral and religious values of his time", espousing a form of libertinism  based upon the rule of "Do What Thou Wilt".[1] Because of this, he gained widespread notoriety during his lifetime, and was  denounced in the popular press of the day as "the wickedest man in the world." His successful attempts to apply Empiricism  to Spirituality and the "paranormal" overshadow this bigoted claim, and his (and the Golden Dawn's) unparalleled recovery,  translation, collation, cataloging and cross-referencing of many of the (non-European) world's religions sacred texts stand  as a monument to both the civilizing influence, and the rapacious colonial acquisitiveness of the British Empire. To this  day, deluded Christians still refer to him as a "Satanist" and thus defame one of the brightest lights, and major  influences on (the resurgence of) Gnosticism (many believing him to be a Gnostic Saint) Hermeticism, Western Mystery  Tradition, Qabalah, the Spiritualist Movement, the Eleusinian Mysteries, the Dionysian Mysteries and the Wiccan Religion  (through Gardner) in the 20th Century.

In his role as the founder of the Thelemite philosophy, he came to see himself as the prophet who was entrusted with  informing humanity that it was entering the new Aeon of Horus in the early twentieth century. In hindsight, his predictions  and social theories all were reasonably accurate (some astonishingly so) as the force of a inchoate rebellion of drug- addled Hippies and Theosophically minded "New Agers" successfully stopped an unjust war, and eliminated an even more  pernicious form of conscriptive slavery and Class Warfare against the poor ("The Draft") just as predicted!

Born into a wealthy upper class family, as a young man he became an influential member of the esoteric Hermetic Order of  the Golden Dawn after befriending the order's leader, Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers. Subsequently believing that he was  being contacted by his Holy Guardian Angel, an entity known as Aiwass, while staying in Egypt in 1904, he "received" a text  known as The Book of the Law from what he believed was a divine source, and around which he would come to develop his new  philosophy of Thelema. He would go on to found his own occult society, the A∴A∴ and eventually rose to become a leader of  Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O.), before founding a religious commune in Cefalù known as the Abbey of Thelema, which he led  from 1920 through till 1923. After being evicted from Cefalù he returned to Britain, where he continued to promote Thelema  until his death.

Crowley has remained an influential figure and is widely thought of as the most influential occultist of all time. In 2002,  a BBC poll described him as being the seventy-third greatest Briton of all time. References to him can be found in the  works of numerous writers, musicians and filmmakers,[2] and he has also been cited as a key influence on many later  esoteric groups and individuals, including Kenneth Anger, most of the "British Music Invasion" of the 60s, through folk  like Led Zeppelin, Jimmy Page who owns most of Crowley's 'marginalia' and his former place on Loch Ness, Graham Bond  rumoured to have been his son, Eric Clapton the name "Layla" (a song by Clapton with Derek & the Dominoes) was an invention  of A.C.s, meant to spell (and using Qabalah, add up to) the 'Ultimate Woman', Kenneth Grant, Jack Parsons, Gerald Gardner,  Robert Anton Wilson, William Butler Yeats, Rudolph Steiner, Helena Blavatsky, Alice A. Bailey, [[Charles Ford], Robert  Monroe, A.E Waite, Aldous Huxley, Timothy Leary, and, to some degree, Austin Osman Spare.[3]

Verification And Validation

So, how does one differentiate a "psychic huckster" from a "true channel" (other than by moving to Sedona and taking names  - lol)?  Now, the MT does NOT have a self-regulating board of Governors, nor does it have any human member's "Statements of  Ethical Responsibility" as do the most successful metaphysical organizations of my personal experience:

The Hermetic Order Of The Golden Dawn

The American Federation Of Astrologers

The American Tarot Association

The National Council For Geocosmic Research

All of these groups above have strict self-policing and testing/vetting procedures that strive to guarantee members ARE who  and what they say they are, and that they behave ethically.  Never happened with the MT.

So who judges whether or not someone is "getting" the Michael or not (a la Troy's musings).  Personally, as someone who  believes they have "gotten" the Michael for 50+ years, Troy occasionally seems to me to mistake input from "Robert" as  coming from Michael, but there are so few of us left from the days when anyone actively channeled "Robert" that we could  only look to someone like JP Van Hulle for clarification here (although MY pesky ME sources, as I write this, tell me Mr.  Cocconi can tell the difference, as can others not of the "first" generation of Michael Channels: TOMG & all others  channeling the ME BEFORE "MFM", so I guess I'm being 'corrected' here.)

So folks, if I were to tell you that my ME sources and I play a channeling "game", of sorts, and THAT is how I found this  RA site, AND how the keyword "quarantine" was chosen, it is just gonna' set-up all sorts of speculation and/or  controversy.Nevertheless, as relentlessly as my ME sources have hounded me to make this stuff public (and they have always  done that a lot) over the last three weeks, I finally (as usual) gave in and here it is:


A form of divination and  research that was quite well known, and somewhat well respected (by all the ME 'primogenitors'  like Ouspensky and Steiner and Blavatsky et al) around the turn of the century, but that has fallen out of common  knowledge, was called "Geomancy".

Some practitioners (Theosophists, Crowley & the Golden Dawn, mostly) used the entire method as a form of 'automatic  writing", asking a question while (without using sight or conscious volition) poking at a blank piece of paper with a  pencil, then interpreting the results of the patterns the 'channeled pencil poking' produced using the body of interps.  extant for this 'art'.

So, when I started "automatic typing", I occasionally would notice my prose would frequently be interspersed with odd  "typos".  Believing there were no coincidences (or typos) and that there might be further data available, I started trying  to correlate the keystroke patterns of these typos with figures from classical Geomancy, and achieved some success.  The  'messages' seemed generally to be 'course corrections' from my Essence to me, personally  .  .  .   stuff that my main  conduit for conscious Essence contact: The "I Ching", was not equipped to address (whole topic for "Conscious Essence  Contact" here - the I Ching is much more reliable!  My results top 90% over the last 30 years with the "Wilhelm"  translation - Carl Jung's constant companion (in the original German) for the latter half of his life.

The oddest successes I had though, came when I started to type mathematical formulae into a Google search field.  I found  if I could state a query in "First Order Logic"* well enough, the links would almost always become facile, and lead me to  an answer, or to an intermediate math site where, with a bit of diligence a way to the answer would become apparent.  This  led to my 'automatic searching' the answers to questions by typing seemingly random letter sequences (which I at first did  with a pencil's eraser end, not looking at the keyboard, while concentrating on the query, as one would for a cast of the I  Ching, or in a Tarot Consultation).

This practice I now do almost without thought, when the situation seems to warrant it, and such was the case with my having  come across this page.  Hope that answers some questions, and for all you 'skeptics' out there, check it out.

Divination Through  'Automatic Typing Geomancy'

Think of question while Online

Click in Google search field.

Take pencil, eraser side down, in hand.

Close eyes.

Strike keyboard keys randomly with pencil eraser-end while thinking of question.

Click Search or hit Return.

Find answer!

[Note: This will work just as well with smart (or dumb) phones with web access, or any Internet input device. Remember this  is NOT an app. that generates random access to a database, as in online Tarot or I Ching, but is dependent on your own  ability to 'channel' answers through concentration on the query, and your body's subsequent response to muscle and nerve  input proceeding from your Essence, Spirit Guides, discarnate ETs or what-have-you.  I do this when I'm blocked (as in  "Writer's") or my altogether too 'static-ridden' mediumistic tuning craps out.  Sometimes I have to go from the first site  (I rarely get no search terms) through a link or two, but the ME and my Cherubim always seem to come through.]

-  Jondalf Thrasher

[The title of this post refers to a short story I wrote in 1969 about Nostradamus actually channeling people in his future,  looking out their eyes, inhabiting their bodies, seeing wars, and assassinations, and aiplanes and tanks and atom bombs -  all without historical context.  The best he could do was write sometimes vague, often prophetic quatrains about what his  'eyes' in the future saw. Not as stunning a lack of citation as "Neo", or "Thrasher Magazine", but after 45 years of  working as a Master Craftsman designing and fabricating things like the first Kryptonics skateboard you see coming off the  swimming pool lip in "Dogtown & Z-Boys", or all the jigs and fixtures for the first production run of the (at the  time)"World's Largest Handgun", the 454 Casull, or the first 'egg' shortboard in surfing history or  .  .  .  or  .  .  . 

  .  .  .  or the fact that the people at TLE are preventing me from accessing my own channeled posts, have not replied to  my reasonable requests for access to make sure I have copied it (a month gone by now) AND have still not told ME for what  offense I was suspended from TLE.  I thought Dave Gregg was a thief and a liar (Yeah right, Dave, your "Server ate" -  your direct quote -  24 of my channeled posts, eh?  One of them with entire paragraphs on the "Nature Of The Tao"  - CHANNELED IN  SANSKRIT!!!!!   Which I have not spoken for 1200 years!) but now apparantly Troy can do no better.  I tried to apologise to  him for whatever it was he thinks I did (I still have no clue).  So it goes.

I only relate this because the ME has informed me that the ""Eyes Of Nostradamus" idea, or at least the title, will soon be  on the big screen - like the web designer who used my Neologism (and song title) "Timeslide" to describe one of his  "Blogger" designs, or the band that used my album title "Shards" after they saw it on MySpace 2 years ago, or the best yet,  the "Cowboys And Aliens" ripoff of a 30+ year old story, begun by a dear friend of mine and former "High Ride" (the first  "Chumpmonk's" bandname, dating to 1976) singer, songwriter and guitarist: Al West, RIP.  I finished the story as a memorial  to him, and it has been posted on my blog for almost a decade. If you've seen the movie, read the original idea on my Blog,  entitled "Range On The Home, there's a scene described in Al West's original manuscript that is unmistakable.

And all this on top of the fact that I can't even copyright my own intellectual property, my original compositions and  recordings, because the RIAA, Sony and Microsoft have conspired (YEAH, & I have the Amicus Brief in the "Napster Decision",  from 14 Law School Professors, predicting and delineating this!) exactly what has happened to me, my work and the work of  thousands of other artists who can't "protect" our own Art because if we do, we then can only move or copy the music 10  times legally before Windows Media or I-Tunes refuses to allow us to copy OUR OWN MUSIC. I hope all the Media Execs behind  this stuff lose their asses bigtime in some Madoff-like Ponzi scheme.  Apple, Microsoft, Sony, RIAA - biggest companies in  the world. Why are they that big?  Because they steal the life's work of people like me.

Remember the guy that invented the interval windshield wiper? Big Auto stole his life, and then stonewalled and litigated  for 20 years ILLEGALLY (they had no rights to his invention) UNTIL HE DIED.  And they wonder why people wanna "Occupy Wall  Street"?]          - JWT

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Tuesday, October 25, 2011

"Well, That's Live Channeled Lenny Bruce On Whippets, For Ya'"
(Michael Teachings)

"Objective knowledge, the idea of unity included, belongs to objective consciousness. The forms which express this knowledge when perceived by subjective consciousness are inevitably distorted and, instead of truth, they create more and more delusions. With objective consciousness it is possible to see and feel the unity of everything. But for subjective consciousness the world is split up into millions of separate and unconnected phenomena. Attempts to connect these phenomena into some sort of system in a scientific or philosophical way lead to nothing because man cannot reconstruct the idea of the whole starting from separate facts and they cannot divine the principles of the division of the whole without knowing the laws upon which this division is based."   - G I Gurdjieff

"SCRIPTURES, n. The sacred books of our holy religion, as distinguished from the false and profane writings on which all other faiths are based." - Ambrose Bierce, "The Devil's Dictionary"

"What is the best way to look for one´s chief feature?" someone asked. Simply see yourself. I do not know how to explain it better. It is possible one may find something -- chief feature of the moment. It is imaginary personality; this is the chief feature for everybody. "Can one alter one´s chief feature?" asked someone else. First it is necessary to know it. If you know it, much will depend on the quality of your knowing. If you know it well, then it is possible to change it."  -  P.D. Ouspensky

Hey kids,

If you never believed in prescience, it would be because you've never been me (lol).  I will have to check the exact timing, but I believe I said goodbye to my "Friends" on The michael Teachings site TLE about 20 hours before the resident channel & Moderator Troy banned me.  TLE only ever having banned 1 person, I believe this was surprising yet I remember that when I wrote it, even though I said I would be back in about 3 or 4 weeks, I thought: 'saying this may be a demonstration of my prescient "Spidey sense"'.

Yesterday, right after Troy posted an angry e-mail to me, I guess he changed his mind and deleted it, but not before a copy of it was sent to me.  I tried for an hour to reply to the damned thing (not realizing it had been deleted by sender).  I then sent a letter to my "Friends" on TLE  with a copy of his e-mail and a request for help in trying to apologise to him, then had a flash and sent this:

> Date: Sun, 23 Oct 2011 17:05:45 +0000 > From: Jondalf Thrasher > To: > > Friends,
> Please Watch The Place, Pick Up The Mail & Feed The Goldfish For Me.   - Jondalf

and signed off.  Today I went to TLE and got a notice I was banned.

For the record, I think it fine for him to do this.  It's a "boundary issue" for him, I think, 'cause when I publish a blog entry there, sometimes I'll get 100+ hits in 24 hours. Hell, that's almost half the membership of TLE reading a post from Jondalf within 24 hours - that's right up there with his numbers. Once again, though, just as when I was banned from I was given no opportunity to retrieve my posts (most of which are channeled material).

Honestly, Troy is the resource on TLE, and if my "schtick" distracts or confuses him, that reduces his ability to be of service to his community.

Oh well, as I said in my introduction on TLE:  "That's live channeled Lenny Bruce on whippets for ya'."

Now, to address the real issue. More and more of how much TOMG (The Original Michael Group) channeled that was either left out, or different from what CQ Yarbro published in the first 3 "Messages from Michael" is becoming available, including this quote from "Soleal" (a channeled being from another planet):

"On my world, all of the volcanoes have long become extinct, yet many reminders of their former majesty remains near my home. There are some beautiful obsidian cliffs with a sheer drop to a rocky beach. It is perhaps my favorite spot with the dew sparkling on the stone."

From this statement we learn a few things about another inhabited planet:

There ARE other inhabited planets.

Vulcanism has ceased, therefore it is either an old world or it does not have a moon;

The mention of a beach tells us there are lakes or rivers or seas of some liquid on this planet.

The mention of "dew" pretty much confirms that there is an atmosphere & liquid  water, and that the temperature range is pretty much between 32' and 212', and that the relative humidity range is similar to ours (for dew to form).

Later on, the mention of yet another world that is inhabited (at least by quarry workers) means that there are multiple inhabited worlds, at least two with atmospheres & liquid water, one of which takes 20 of their months to orbit its sun.

The fact that CQY chose to redact much of the information about other life in the Universe, and almost cover up Soleal entirely and then threaten a copyright suit for anyone trying to publish the stuff she didn't use, to which she had no contractual claim then, nor now, demonstrates some bias on her part, I believe.  I have often thought that she might have left out the parts about cosmology she believed weren't germaine to HER agenda, to spare the MT from the ridicule "First World" humans associate with people who believe in aliens (Although the lurid cover of the 'trade paper'"Messages From Michael" kinda makes me wonder about that.)

The bias by some (the most visible) Michael Channels & Students about not emphasizing the aspects of the Michael Teachings that aren't considered "Core" is SO bad, I once witnessed an otherwise competent Michael channel actually prevaricate (Michael's word, when I asked about it later) when asked if the Michael would comment on the Indian histories of "Vimanas" in an attempt to explain away the many volumes of historical data in Hindi texts (including dozens of thousands of years old, near 'blueprint' quality renderings and many detailed exploded diagrams, both drawn to scale.

See:  Detailed Images Of "Vimanas", Some Thousands Of Years Old   )

of which I'm sure she must have been unaware, because if you've ever seen them you can pretty much visualize the craft.

She said Michael said that any such descriptions were a mistaken recollection of "giant leather kites" that people in India used to climb onto and ride in place on warm updrafty days (Where would one get enough leather to build such contrivances in a land where cows are sacred, anyway? Now, do ANY of the images in the historical record look like "kites" to anybody?).

This prompted me to write "Leather Kites In A Land Of Sacred Cows" (now one of my Blog posts) to illustrate how some of the largest MT sites are run by, and include channels who kowtow to, people who have formed a very dogmatic view of the Michael Teachings.  These views are so at variance with MY recollections of the body of the MT, BEFORE CQY PUBLISHED MFM, that I have said so at every opportunity and this insistence on attempting to prevent revisionist history has been to blame for my having been banned on at least one, if not both of the Michael Teaching's sites that have banned me.

I tried to publish my "Leather Kites" upon the site that had hosted the channeling session in question, but the moderator would not let my post be published, and never told me why or responded to my queries about why validation and verification were not allowed on a MT site.  He either refused to publish (10) , or deleted (at least 20) of my posts after their publication, 9 times out of 10 with NO explanation. I have published some of these "offending" posts both here and on my Blog, and to this day none of the 3,000+ reads on my Blog or any here have been able to contend that anything in them was "offensive" (other than to the twisted sensibilities of MT revisionists).

My greatest satisfaction comes from watching my recollections and assertions be proven true, and the beliefs of those who insist the "Core Teachings" are about interpersonal relations and the Overleaves only shown to be false, time and time again, with the ongoing transcription and publication (for student use only) of the "Transcripts". My Blog is read 300 to 400 times a month, and by far some of the most popular posts are these ones on the MT that contradict dogmatic views on the major web portals, almost as though there were other hippies and 'seekers'who were paying attention to the nascent "New Age Spiritual Community" back then, remember the influence of TOMG along with the surviving original channels (none of whom seem to be waxing dogmatic).

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Alien Blockade Of Earth Lifted After 200,000 Years?

"A single ray of light from a distant star falling upon the eye of a tyrant in bygone times, may have altered the course of his life, may have changed the destiny of nations, may have transformed the surface of the globe, so intricate, so inconceivably complex are the processes of nature."  - Nikola Tesla

“Just as in the body, eye and ear develop as organs of perception, as senses for bodily processes, so does a man develop in himself soul and spiritual organs of perception through which the soul and spiritual worlds are opened to him. For those who do not have such higher senses, these worlds are dark and silent, just as the bodily world is dark and silent for a being without eyes and ears.” - Rudolph Steiner

“Know this: that whatever situation you find yourself in, it is what is necessary for your development. An entity must apply in its associations from day to day a word here and a word there, one today, another tomorrow, and the next day, with the understanding that from such activities in word and deed, self-development will come... When an entity has prepared itself through constant forward movement towards service, the necessary circumstances for change will come about so that he may see the next step, the next opportunity..."  - Edgar Cayce

So this is the way this evening started, I was startled to see it, so I sent all my MTSC 'friends' this -

 "Things Are Changing.":

David Wilcox, update (

To which someone replied:

"You bet they are.

I have no idea what is going on here. I thought I was all over this nonsense... Haven't talked to anybody involved with the whole Montauk thing, the MK Ultra stuff, you know, the whole story, in three years, and now for some reason it's creeping up again. I had that Regina Louf video stored away in my favorites for three years and never looked at it until yesterday - and today I turn on the TV and there's her face again, looking at me. So I turn to the computer and finally look her up to read some of the interviews and what I'm reading sounds all very familiar. That's when I knew I had a message from you, and indeed, there it is. I know you're aware of the things I'm talking about. During the past three years I got to the point where I was able to dismiss all of them as nonsense. They don't seem to fit into my picture of the world anymore... Yet lately, I've been seeing the traces everywhere. If there's anything you feel I should know, wherever that information comes from, please speak"

So I then said:

Yes, my dear, I am indeed aware of much of what is occurring and the problem is trying to make everyone aware of every parameter as quickly as possible without spending too much time on my own, personal involvement in order to lend some creedence to my explanations.  Because if bases are dissappearing, and the "blockade"is over, then something is SO DIFFERENT I almost have to start with something like this:

in order to find the foundation of which I need all my interested friends to be aware for an exposition of "WIGO" (What Is Going On) to be effective.  I don't think I can teach everyone Formal Logic fast enough to be able to "prove" what I am about to propose, so I'll just have to hit the high spots. I will try to make as much sense as possible, as quickly as I can over the next couple hours, OK? . Bear with me.

First, access Ra here:

Then realize that this planet, and 27 others that seceded from the "Galactic Confederation" during the "Luciferian Rebellion" 250,000 years ago have been in "Quarantine" ever since. Two different Channeled recollections of that very famous and influential "Revolution" follow, a revolution so deep in our prehistory that its mythos is all the history that remains on Earth, nevertheless this event is still affecting our timeline (and all our 'choices') to this day:

This is the reason for the "Fermi Paradox":

In my humble estimation, almost all  "world-views" are 'true' to a greater or lesser degree, depending upon where your consciousness resides presently.  One must remember that with an infinitude of divergent lines of future probability, almost anything could be true - somewhere - in the multiverse.  The rejection of certain probabilities is more of a choice of 'direction' than one of 'truth' or 'falsehood' (although a sense of these conclusions CAN help orient one in the spacetime continuum).


The Underground Bases:

We list here some of the current sites of authors and researchers who are invested in the 'multiple
realities'/'multiple races'/'multiple outcomes' or "Many Worlds' POVs.

From David Wilcox:

From David Icke:

Ashtar Command:

Hermetic Overview:

And, for a completely different perspective:

I have some small insight on Metatron, as I believe I was there when 'he' was created and in part, a reason for 'his' creation.

"In "The Chronicles Of Jerahmeel"

the story goes that "whereas no Angels, not even the mighty Gabriel or Michael were able to eject Jannes and Jambres, two Egyptian wizards,  from "Heaven" (wither they managed, it seems, to ascend by witchcraft) Metatron was able to accomplish their expulsion."  - from "A Dictionary of Angels"

(It's easier to imagine if you remember "Heaven" was simply the name of the craft Enoch and his bioengineering team worked from during our long assisted evolution. AND that it wasn't too hard for two precocious humans to stow aboard one of the everpresent shuttles to and fro, and crawl into the spacecraft's maintenance spaces, just trying to get a ride offplanet.
And nothing ANY of the "Host" could do would prove effective at ferreting them out.  Finally, a construct, an android (he looked at first like a metallic basset hound) if you will, was built for the sole purpose of ridding Heaven of these mortal miscreants.  That construct's name was Metatron.   I was one of those pesky Magi. 

( See also: ) 

The Book Of Enoch, when properly translated, states the names and mission specialties of all the crew of that vessel and relates some of the operational details of these, the last of Earth's ET bioengineering crew. It even divulges details like how the Engineers got the natives to build "Nazca Line"-like landing strips in the Sinai desert - which have been already photographed but overlooked in analysis of the infrared orbital survey data - what are you gonna do - tell a petrochemical company PhD oilsearch honcho that that odd looking elongated trapezoid that is just 20th century geoclutter to them is actually proof of an ancient landing strip for Jehovah's Spaceship?)

Finally, a word on Entity One, Cadre One:  C1/E1 is the ultimate "covert op" in more ways than one. Great stories and myths always have an element of truth to them, and  Frank Herbert was unconsciously transcribing the ultimate description of C1/E1, (and right on the money) when he 'imagined' the "Bene Gesserit Sisterhood':

The description is, of course, at variance in certain areas but on the whole, including the Galactic sweep of affect, pretty accurate.   However, "The Rift" is about something else again:  The  Luciferian Rebellion, IHVH and The Oppression Of Patriarchy, and some very "Black Overleaves" belonging to members of C1/E1.

As with any beings invested with the duality intrinsic to the Physical Plane, most notably those heroic souls who are the first to hit the beaches in any ongoing millenia-long struggle to infiltrate and occupy unclaimed or enemy territory, the choices for C1/E1 are tough.  Not all of us chose the same side during the Rebellion.  Roughly 1/3 of E1 chose to rebel and abandon the "Plan" that was presented to us as a 'fiat accompli'  20 Grand Cycles ago when we saw how the Usurper Custodial "god" IHVH intended on decimating the ranks of the Sacred Feminine and conditioning Earth's cultures.

Many of us are engaged in ongoing (for 200,000 years +) "guerilla" activities (hence the "black Overleaves) for various factions, and some reconciliation has occurred. The major stumbling block to full restitution of the Entity (minus about 79 fragments still 'MIA" in the struggle) is the fact that many of the 'Rebel' faction took "Tantric Vows" ( Tantric Vows ) and the Plan followed by the non-rebellious portion still breaks many of these, most especially #14: "Not Deriding Women".

At present, many of the rebels will NOT cycle-off until the situation is rectified, thus holding the entire Entity in 'limbo', until some accord is reached, or one faction or the other prevails.That is as much as I know, and, as I am always accused of "over-romanticizing" the facts, take my impressions with the requisite modicum of salt. AND bear in mind that The Michael Entity, IMNSHO, should be as well known for what it DOESN'T SAY as for what it does.   But too many are sensing too much for there to be nothing at all to this stuff, eh?

Slainte`,  - Jondalf Thrasher

In my humble estimation, almost all  "world-views" are 'true' to a greater or lesser degree, depending upon where your consciousness resides presently.  One must remember that with an infinitude of divergent lines of future probability, almost anything could be true - somewhere - in the multiverse.  The rejection of certain probabilities is more of a choice of 'direction' than one of 'truth' or 'falsehood' (although a sense of these conclusions CAN help orient one in the spacetime continuum).


The Underground Bases:

We list here some of the current sites of authors and researchers who are invested in the 'multiple
realities'/'multiple races'/'multiple outcomes' or "Many Worlds' POVs.

From David Wilcox:

From David Icke:

Ashtar Command:

Hermetic Overview:

And, for a completely different perspective:

I have some small insight on Metatron, as I believe I was there when 'he' was created and in part, a reason for 'his' creation.

"In "The Chronicles Of Jerahmeel" ( The Chronicles Of Jerahmeel ) the story goes that whereas no Angels, not even the mighty Gabriel or Michael were able to eject Jannes and Jambres, the Egyptian wizards,  from "Heaven" (wither they managed, it seems, to ascend by witchcraft) Metatron was able to accomplish their expulsion."  - from "A Dictionary of Angels"

(It's easier to imagine if you remember "Heaven" was simply the name of the craft Enoch and his bioengineering team worked from during our long assisted evolution. AND that it wasn't too hard for two precocious humans to stow aboard one of the everpresent shuttles to and fro, and crawl into the spacecraft's maintenance spaces, just trying to get a ride offplanet.)

And nothing ANY of the "Host" could do would prove effective at ferreting them out.  Finally, a construct, an android if you will, was built for the sole purpose of ridding Heaven of these mortal miscreants.  That construct's name was Metatron. I was one of those pesky Magi. ( See also: ) The Book Of Enoch, when properly translated, states the names and mission specialties of all the crew of that vessel and relates some of the operational details of these, the last of Earth's ET bioengineering crew. It even divulges details like how the Engineers got the natives to build "Nazca Line"-like landing strips in the desert - which have been photographed but overlooked by current infrared orbital surveys.)

Finally, a word on Entity One, Cadre One:  C1/E1 is the ultimate "covert op" in more ways than one. Great stories and myths always have an element of truth to them, and  Frank Herbert was unconsciously transcribing the ultimate description of C1/E1, (and right on the money) when he 'imagined' the "Bene Gesserit Sisterhood':

The description is, of course, at variance in certain areas but on the whole, including the Galactic sweep of affect, pretty accurate.   However, "The Rift" is about something else again:  The  Luciferian Rebellion, IHVH and The Oppression Of Patriarchy, and some very "Black Overleaves" belonging to members of C1/E1.

As with any beings invested with the duality intrinsic to the Physical Plane, most notably those heroic souls who are the first to hit the beaches in any ongoing millenia-long struggle to infiltrate and occupy unclaimed or enemy territory, the choices for C1/E1 are tough.  Not all of us chose the same side during the Rebellion.  Roughly 1/3 of E1 chose to rebel and abandon the "Plan" that was presented to us as a 'fiat accompli'  20 Grand Cycles ago when we saw how the Usurper Custodial "god" IHVH intended on decimating the ranks of the Sacred Feminine and conditioning Earth's cultures.

Many of us are engaged in ongoing (for 200,000 years +) "guerilla" activities (hence the "black Overleaves) for various factions, and some reconciliation has occurred. The major stumbling block to full restitution of the Entity (minus about 79 fragments still 'MIA" in the struggle) is the fact that many of the 'Rebel' faction took "Tantric Vows" ( Tantric Vows ) and the Plan followed by the non-rebellious portion still breaks many of these, most especially #14: "Not Deriding Women".

At present, many of the rebels will NOT cycle-off until the situation is rectified, thus holding the entire Entity in 'limbo', until some accord is reached, or one faction or the other prevails.That is as much as I know, and, as I am always accused of "over-romanticizing" the facts, take my impressions with the requisite modicum of salt. AND bear in mind that The Michael Entity, IMNSHO, should be as well known for what it DOESN'T SAY as for what it does.   But too many are sensing too much for there to be nothing at all to this stuff, eh?

Slainte`,  - Jondalf Thrasher