Tuesday, October 25, 2011

"Well, That's Live Channeled Lenny Bruce On Whippets, For Ya'"
(Michael Teachings)

"Objective knowledge, the idea of unity included, belongs to objective consciousness. The forms which express this knowledge when perceived by subjective consciousness are inevitably distorted and, instead of truth, they create more and more delusions. With objective consciousness it is possible to see and feel the unity of everything. But for subjective consciousness the world is split up into millions of separate and unconnected phenomena. Attempts to connect these phenomena into some sort of system in a scientific or philosophical way lead to nothing because man cannot reconstruct the idea of the whole starting from separate facts and they cannot divine the principles of the division of the whole without knowing the laws upon which this division is based."   - G I Gurdjieff

"SCRIPTURES, n. The sacred books of our holy religion, as distinguished from the false and profane writings on which all other faiths are based." - Ambrose Bierce, "The Devil's Dictionary"

"What is the best way to look for one´s chief feature?" someone asked. Simply see yourself. I do not know how to explain it better. It is possible one may find something -- chief feature of the moment. It is imaginary personality; this is the chief feature for everybody. "Can one alter one´s chief feature?" asked someone else. First it is necessary to know it. If you know it, much will depend on the quality of your knowing. If you know it well, then it is possible to change it."  -  P.D. Ouspensky

Hey kids,

If you never believed in prescience, it would be because you've never been me (lol).  I will have to check the exact timing, but I believe I said goodbye to my "Friends" on The michael Teachings site TLE about 20 hours before the resident channel & Moderator Troy banned me.  TLE only ever having banned 1 person, I believe this was surprising yet I remember that when I wrote it, even though I said I would be back in about 3 or 4 weeks, I thought: 'saying this may be a demonstration of my prescient "Spidey sense"'.

Yesterday, right after Troy posted an angry e-mail to me, I guess he changed his mind and deleted it, but not before a copy of it was sent to me.  I tried for an hour to reply to the damned thing (not realizing it had been deleted by sender).  I then sent a letter to my "Friends" on TLE  with a copy of his e-mail and a request for help in trying to apologise to him, then had a flash and sent this:

> Date: Sun, 23 Oct 2011 17:05:45 +0000 > From: Jondalf Thrasher > To: > > Friends,
> Please Watch The Place, Pick Up The Mail & Feed The Goldfish For Me.   - Jondalf

and signed off.  Today I went to TLE and got a notice I was banned.

For the record, I think it fine for him to do this.  It's a "boundary issue" for him, I think, 'cause when I publish a blog entry there, sometimes I'll get 100+ hits in 24 hours. Hell, that's almost half the membership of TLE reading a post from Jondalf within 24 hours - that's right up there with his numbers. Once again, though, just as when I was banned from mt.com I was given no opportunity to retrieve my posts (most of which are channeled material).

Honestly, Troy is the resource on TLE, and if my "schtick" distracts or confuses him, that reduces his ability to be of service to his community.

Oh well, as I said in my introduction on TLE:  "That's live channeled Lenny Bruce on whippets for ya'."

Now, to address the real issue. More and more of how much TOMG (The Original Michael Group) channeled that was either left out, or different from what CQ Yarbro published in the first 3 "Messages from Michael" is becoming available, including this quote from "Soleal" (a channeled being from another planet):

"On my world, all of the volcanoes have long become extinct, yet many reminders of their former majesty remains near my home. There are some beautiful obsidian cliffs with a sheer drop to a rocky beach. It is perhaps my favorite spot with the dew sparkling on the stone."

From this statement we learn a few things about another inhabited planet:

There ARE other inhabited planets.

Vulcanism has ceased, therefore it is either an old world or it does not have a moon;

The mention of a beach tells us there are lakes or rivers or seas of some liquid on this planet.

The mention of "dew" pretty much confirms that there is an atmosphere & liquid  water, and that the temperature range is pretty much between 32' and 212', and that the relative humidity range is similar to ours (for dew to form).

Later on, the mention of yet another world that is inhabited (at least by quarry workers) means that there are multiple inhabited worlds, at least two with atmospheres & liquid water, one of which takes 20 of their months to orbit its sun.

The fact that CQY chose to redact much of the information about other life in the Universe, and almost cover up Soleal entirely and then threaten a copyright suit for anyone trying to publish the stuff she didn't use, to which she had no contractual claim then, nor now, demonstrates some bias on her part, I believe.  I have often thought that she might have left out the parts about cosmology she believed weren't germaine to HER agenda, to spare the MT from the ridicule "First World" humans associate with people who believe in aliens (Although the lurid cover of the 'trade paper'"Messages From Michael" kinda makes me wonder about that.)

The bias by some (the most visible) Michael Channels & Students about not emphasizing the aspects of the Michael Teachings that aren't considered "Core" is SO bad, I once witnessed an otherwise competent Michael channel actually prevaricate (Michael's word, when I asked about it later) when asked if the Michael would comment on the Indian histories of "Vimanas" in an attempt to explain away the many volumes of historical data in Hindi texts (including dozens of thousands of years old, near 'blueprint' quality renderings and many detailed exploded diagrams, both drawn to scale.

See:  Detailed Images Of "Vimanas", Some Thousands Of Years Old   )

of which I'm sure she must have been unaware, because if you've ever seen them you can pretty much visualize the craft.

She said Michael said that any such descriptions were a mistaken recollection of "giant leather kites" that people in India used to climb onto and ride in place on warm updrafty days (Where would one get enough leather to build such contrivances in a land where cows are sacred, anyway? Now, do ANY of the images in the historical record look like "kites" to anybody?).

This prompted me to write "Leather Kites In A Land Of Sacred Cows" (now one of my Blog posts) to illustrate how some of the largest MT sites are run by, and include channels who kowtow to, people who have formed a very dogmatic view of the Michael Teachings.  These views are so at variance with MY recollections of the body of the MT, BEFORE CQY PUBLISHED MFM, that I have said so at every opportunity and this insistence on attempting to prevent revisionist history has been to blame for my having been banned on at least one, if not both of the Michael Teaching's sites that have banned me.

I tried to publish my "Leather Kites" upon the site that had hosted the channeling session in question, but the moderator would not let my post be published, and never told me why or responded to my queries about why validation and verification were not allowed on a MT site.  He either refused to publish (10) , or deleted (at least 20) of my posts after their publication, 9 times out of 10 with NO explanation. I have published some of these "offending" posts both here and on my Blog, and to this day none of the 3,000+ reads on my Blog or any here have been able to contend that anything in them was "offensive" (other than to the twisted sensibilities of MT revisionists).

My greatest satisfaction comes from watching my recollections and assertions be proven true, and the beliefs of those who insist the "Core Teachings" are about interpersonal relations and the Overleaves only shown to be false, time and time again, with the ongoing transcription and publication (for student use only) of the "Transcripts". My Blog is read 300 to 400 times a month, and by far some of the most popular posts are these ones on the MT that contradict dogmatic views on the major web portals, almost as though there were other hippies and 'seekers'who were paying attention to the nascent "New Age Spiritual Community" back then, remember the influence of TOMG along with the surviving original channels (none of whom seem to be waxing dogmatic).

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Alien Blockade Of Earth Lifted After 200,000 Years?

"A single ray of light from a distant star falling upon the eye of a tyrant in bygone times, may have altered the course of his life, may have changed the destiny of nations, may have transformed the surface of the globe, so intricate, so inconceivably complex are the processes of nature."  - Nikola Tesla

“Just as in the body, eye and ear develop as organs of perception, as senses for bodily processes, so does a man develop in himself soul and spiritual organs of perception through which the soul and spiritual worlds are opened to him. For those who do not have such higher senses, these worlds are dark and silent, just as the bodily world is dark and silent for a being without eyes and ears.” - Rudolph Steiner

“Know this: that whatever situation you find yourself in, it is what is necessary for your development. An entity must apply in its associations from day to day a word here and a word there, one today, another tomorrow, and the next day, with the understanding that from such activities in word and deed, self-development will come... When an entity has prepared itself through constant forward movement towards service, the necessary circumstances for change will come about so that he may see the next step, the next opportunity..."  - Edgar Cayce

So this is the way this evening started, I was startled to see it, so I sent all my MTSC 'friends' this -

 "Things Are Changing.":

David Wilcox, update (http://www.divinecosmos.com/start-here/davids-blog/975-undergroundbases)

To which someone replied:

"You bet they are.

I have no idea what is going on here. I thought I was all over this nonsense... Haven't talked to anybody involved with the whole Montauk thing, the MK Ultra stuff, you know, the whole story, in three years, and now for some reason it's creeping up again. I had that Regina Louf video stored away in my favorites for three years and never looked at it until yesterday - and today I turn on the TV and there's her face again, looking at me. So I turn to the computer and finally look her up to read some of the interviews and what I'm reading sounds all very familiar. That's when I knew I had a message from you, and indeed, there it is. I know you're aware of the things I'm talking about. During the past three years I got to the point where I was able to dismiss all of them as nonsense. They don't seem to fit into my picture of the world anymore... Yet lately, I've been seeing the traces everywhere. If there's anything you feel I should know, wherever that information comes from, please speak"

So I then said:

Yes, my dear, I am indeed aware of much of what is occurring and the problem is trying to make everyone aware of every parameter as quickly as possible without spending too much time on my own, personal involvement in order to lend some creedence to my explanations.  Because if bases are dissappearing, and the "blockade"is over, then something is SO DIFFERENT I almost have to start with something like this:


in order to find the foundation of which I need all my interested friends to be aware for an exposition of "WIGO" (What Is Going On) to be effective.  I don't think I can teach everyone Formal Logic fast enough to be able to "prove" what I am about to propose, so I'll just have to hit the high spots. I will try to make as much sense as possible, as quickly as I can over the next couple hours, OK? . Bear with me.

First, access Ra here:


Then realize that this planet, and 27 others that seceded from the "Galactic Confederation" during the "Luciferian Rebellion" 250,000 years ago have been in "Quarantine" ever since. Two different Channeled recollections of that very famous and influential "Revolution" follow, a revolution so deep in our prehistory that its mythos is all the history that remains on Earth, nevertheless this event is still affecting our timeline (and all our 'choices') to this day:



This is the reason for the "Fermi Paradox":


In my humble estimation, almost all  "world-views" are 'true' to a greater or lesser degree, depending upon where your consciousness resides presently.  One must remember that with an infinitude of divergent lines of future probability, almost anything could be true - somewhere - in the multiverse.  The rejection of certain probabilities is more of a choice of 'direction' than one of 'truth' or 'falsehood' (although a sense of these conclusions CAN help orient one in the spacetime continuum).


The Underground Bases:



We list here some of the current sites of authors and researchers who are invested in the 'multiple
realities'/'multiple races'/'multiple outcomes' or "Many Worlds' POVs.

From David Wilcox:  http://divinecosmos.com/start-here/davids-blog/981-undergroundbasesnewinfo

From David Icke:      http://www.davidicke.com/

Ashtar Command:     http://www.ashtarcommandcrew.net/

Hermetic Overview:  http://montalk.net/

And, for a completely different perspective:


I have some small insight on Metatron, as I believe I was there when 'he' was created and in part, a reason for 'his' creation.

"In "The Chronicles Of Jerahmeel" 

the story goes that "whereas no Angels, not even the mighty Gabriel or Michael were able to eject Jannes and Jambres, two Egyptian wizards,  from "Heaven" (wither they managed, it seems, to ascend by witchcraft) Metatron was able to accomplish their expulsion."  - from "A Dictionary of Angels"

(It's easier to imagine if you remember "Heaven" was simply the name of the craft Enoch and his bioengineering team worked from during our long assisted evolution. AND that it wasn't too hard for two precocious humans to stow aboard one of the everpresent shuttles to and fro, and crawl into the spacecraft's maintenance spaces, just trying to get a ride offplanet.
And nothing ANY of the "Host" could do would prove effective at ferreting them out.  Finally, a construct, an android (he looked at first like a metallic basset hound) if you will, was built for the sole purpose of ridding Heaven of these mortal miscreants.  That construct's name was Metatron.   I was one of those pesky Magi. 

( See also:  http://www.sacred-texts.com/bib/boe/ ) 

The Book Of Enoch, when properly translated, states the names and mission specialties of all the crew of that vessel and relates some of the operational details of these, the last of Earth's ET bioengineering crew. It even divulges details like how the Engineers got the natives to build "Nazca Line"-like landing strips in the Sinai desert - which have been already photographed but overlooked in analysis of the infrared orbital survey data - what are you gonna do - tell a petrochemical company PhD oilsearch honcho that that odd looking elongated trapezoid that is just 20th century geoclutter to them is actually proof of an ancient landing strip for Jehovah's Spaceship?)

Finally, a word on Entity One, Cadre One:  C1/E1 is the ultimate "covert op" in more ways than one. Great stories and myths always have an element of truth to them, and  Frank Herbert was unconsciously transcribing the ultimate description of C1/E1, (and right on the money) when he 'imagined' the "Bene Gesserit Sisterhood':


The description is, of course, at variance in certain areas but on the whole, including the Galactic sweep of affect, pretty accurate.   However, "The Rift" is about something else again:  The  Luciferian Rebellion, IHVH and The Oppression Of Patriarchy, and some very "Black Overleaves" belonging to members of C1/E1.

As with any beings invested with the duality intrinsic to the Physical Plane, most notably those heroic souls who are the first to hit the beaches in any ongoing millenia-long struggle to infiltrate and occupy unclaimed or enemy territory, the choices for C1/E1 are tough.  Not all of us chose the same side during the Rebellion.  Roughly 1/3 of E1 chose to rebel and abandon the "Plan" that was presented to us as a 'fiat accompli'  20 Grand Cycles ago when we saw how the Usurper Custodial "god" IHVH intended on decimating the ranks of the Sacred Feminine and conditioning Earth's cultures.

Many of us are engaged in ongoing (for 200,000 years +) "guerilla" activities (hence the "black Overleaves) for various factions, and some reconciliation has occurred. The major stumbling block to full restitution of the Entity (minus about 79 fragments still 'MIA" in the struggle) is the fact that many of the 'Rebel' faction took "Tantric Vows" ( Tantric Vows ) and the Plan followed by the non-rebellious portion still breaks many of these, most especially #14: "Not Deriding Women".

At present, many of the rebels will NOT cycle-off until the situation is rectified, thus holding the entire Entity in 'limbo', until some accord is reached, or one faction or the other prevails.That is as much as I know, and, as I am always accused of "over-romanticizing" the facts, take my impressions with the requisite modicum of salt. AND bear in mind that The Michael Entity, IMNSHO, should be as well known for what it DOESN'T SAY as for what it does.   But too many are sensing too much for there to be nothing at all to this stuff, eh?

Slainte`,  - Jondalf Thrasher


In my humble estimation, almost all  "world-views" are 'true' to a greater or lesser degree, depending upon where your consciousness resides presently.  One must remember that with an infinitude of divergent lines of future probability, almost anything could be true - somewhere - in the multiverse.  The rejection of certain probabilities is more of a choice of 'direction' than one of 'truth' or 'falsehood' (although a sense of these conclusions CAN help orient one in the spacetime continuum).


The Underground Bases:



We list here some of the current sites of authors and researchers who are invested in the 'multiple
realities'/'multiple races'/'multiple outcomes' or "Many Worlds' POVs.

From David Wilcox:  http://divinecosmos.com/start-here/davids-blog/981-undergroundbasesnewinfo

From David Icke:      http://www.davidicke.com/

Ashtar Command:     http://www.ashtarcommandcrew.net/

Hermetic Overview:  http://montalk.net/

And, for a completely different perspective:


I have some small insight on Metatron, as I believe I was there when 'he' was created and in part, a reason for 'his' creation.

"In "The Chronicles Of Jerahmeel" ( The Chronicles Of Jerahmeel ) the story goes that whereas no Angels, not even the mighty Gabriel or Michael were able to eject Jannes and Jambres, the Egyptian wizards,  from "Heaven" (wither they managed, it seems, to ascend by witchcraft) Metatron was able to accomplish their expulsion."  - from "A Dictionary of Angels"

(It's easier to imagine if you remember "Heaven" was simply the name of the craft Enoch and his bioengineering team worked from during our long assisted evolution. AND that it wasn't too hard for two precocious humans to stow aboard one of the everpresent shuttles to and fro, and crawl into the spacecraft's maintenance spaces, just trying to get a ride offplanet.)

And nothing ANY of the "Host" could do would prove effective at ferreting them out.  Finally, a construct, an android if you will, was built for the sole purpose of ridding Heaven of these mortal miscreants.  That construct's name was Metatron. I was one of those pesky Magi. ( See also:  http://www.sacred-texts.com/bib/boe/ ) The Book Of Enoch, when properly translated, states the names and mission specialties of all the crew of that vessel and relates some of the operational details of these, the last of Earth's ET bioengineering crew. It even divulges details like how the Engineers got the natives to build "Nazca Line"-like landing strips in the desert - which have been photographed but overlooked by current infrared orbital surveys.)

Finally, a word on Entity One, Cadre One:  C1/E1 is the ultimate "covert op" in more ways than one. Great stories and myths always have an element of truth to them, and  Frank Herbert was unconsciously transcribing the ultimate description of C1/E1, (and right on the money) when he 'imagined' the "Bene Gesserit Sisterhood':


The description is, of course, at variance in certain areas but on the whole, including the Galactic sweep of affect, pretty accurate.   However, "The Rift" is about something else again:  The  Luciferian Rebellion, IHVH and The Oppression Of Patriarchy, and some very "Black Overleaves" belonging to members of C1/E1.

As with any beings invested with the duality intrinsic to the Physical Plane, most notably those heroic souls who are the first to hit the beaches in any ongoing millenia-long struggle to infiltrate and occupy unclaimed or enemy territory, the choices for C1/E1 are tough.  Not all of us chose the same side during the Rebellion.  Roughly 1/3 of E1 chose to rebel and abandon the "Plan" that was presented to us as a 'fiat accompli'  20 Grand Cycles ago when we saw how the Usurper Custodial "god" IHVH intended on decimating the ranks of the Sacred Feminine and conditioning Earth's cultures.

Many of us are engaged in ongoing (for 200,000 years +) "guerilla" activities (hence the "black Overleaves) for various factions, and some reconciliation has occurred. The major stumbling block to full restitution of the Entity (minus about 79 fragments still 'MIA" in the struggle) is the fact that many of the 'Rebel' faction took "Tantric Vows" ( Tantric Vows ) and the Plan followed by the non-rebellious portion still breaks many of these, most especially #14: "Not Deriding Women".

At present, many of the rebels will NOT cycle-off until the situation is rectified, thus holding the entire Entity in 'limbo', until some accord is reached, or one faction or the other prevails.That is as much as I know, and, as I am always accused of "over-romanticizing" the facts, take my impressions with the requisite modicum of salt. AND bear in mind that The Michael Entity, IMNSHO, should be as well known for what it DOESN'T SAY as for what it does.   But too many are sensing too much for there to be nothing at all to this stuff, eh?

Slainte`,  - Jondalf Thrasher

Monday, October 10, 2011

Is Nikola Tesla Still Alive? The Montauk Project Deconstructed

“The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.” ― Nikola Tesla

"We are all agreed that your theory is crazy. The question which divides us is whether it is crazy enough to have a chance of being correct. My own feeling is that it is not crazy enough."
- Niels Bohr

“Fights between individuals, as well as governments and nations, invariably result from misunderstandings in the broadest interpretation of this term. Misunderstandings are always caused by the inability of appreciating one another's point of view. This again is due to the ignorance of those concerned, not so much in their own, as in their mutual fields. The peril of a clash is aggravated by a more or less predominant sense of combativeness, posed by every human being. To resist this inherent fighting tendency the best way is to dispel ignorance of the doings of others by a systematic spread of general knowledge. With this object in view, it is most important to aid exchange of thought and intercourse.” ― Nikola Tesla

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"Project Rainbow" was the code name given to the Montauk Project, which was a continuation of some of the research developments of Nikola Tesla ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nikola_Tesla ) and included the attempts to camouflage a naval vessel, The USS Eldredge, using electromagnetism, with supposedly disastrous results. Those results have become the mythos that is the "Philadelphia Experiment"

"There are those who believe that the Montauk Project was an extension or continuation of the controversial Philadelphia Experiment, which supposedly took place in 1943—also known as Project Rainbow. According to some, sometime in the 1950s, surviving researchers from Project Rainbow began to discuss the project with an eye to continuing the research into technical aspects of manipulating the electromagnetic bottle that had been used to make the USS Eldridge invisible, and the reasons and possible military applications of the psychological effects of a magnetic field."

-from http://orgoneproducts.org/blog/2009/08/11/the-montauk-project-is-tesla-still-alive/Montauk

Details by:

David Hamet: http://www.world-famous.com/MontaukStuff/Montauk-Project-V1.html#anchor957792

Andrew Hochheimer (most extensive links/references online):


I have found a document just last night, in the CIA declassified archives, that could be construed to cast doubt on the US Gov. denials of involvement in 'cloaking' device experiments:


Project Rainbow was still going strong in '57. Note that according to the doc: " . . . significant progress has been achieved through this Project in the development of radar camouflage." Note also the word 'project' is capitalized, even though the doc. specifically refers to the "Rainbow Program", and that there is supposedly "significant progress" even though the first "Rainbow" equipped, "Dirty Bird" had crashed, killing the pilot, in mid-April, only 3 weeks before the CIA doc was written. Why the undaunted optimism? Note also in the link below that the first Rainbow Project "Dirty Bird" was
equipped and delivered in July of 1957. There is another memo, dated 7/29/'57 (after the first successful "Dirty Bird" deployment and missions) where the "electronic countermeasures" are touted to be virtual "invisiblity".

No cogent or even fanciful explanation has ever been provided to identify these "electronic countermeasures", which our most modern warplanes still do not use, and which would have been beyond our technical capabilities to produce in the '50s.

U2 Historical Timeline:



Project Rainbow's efforts to mask the radar image of the U2 not only proved ineffective, but actually made the aircraft more vulnerable by adding extra weight that reduced its maximum altitude. Because Soviet radar operators continued to find and track U-2s equipped with anti-radar systems, the CIA canceled Project RAINBOW in May, 1958"

- from http://www.foia.cia.gov/docs/DOC_0000645397/DOC_0000645397.pdf

So, we now know that the "anti-radar" mechanism was heavy. Also, the Russians could "see" around it, yet there were NO Russian takedowns of any missions. All crashes AFTER mounting the "A-R" were on our soil, so the story seems a little fanciful, you know?

Meanwhile, another area of Gov. interest had been evolving: Behavior Modification. This area of interest is also part of the Montauk Story:

"Unsurprisingly, the extensive wartime German experiments with various hallucinogenic drugs at the Dachau concentration camp, directed by one Dr. Hubertus Strughold, later honored as "the father of aviation medicine," aroused great interest in the USA especially after an October 1945 Navy technical mission to Dachau reported in detail on Strughold’s work. So great, in fact, that when the OSS and its successor, the CIA, imported 800 German scientists of various specialties under the auspices of the infamous "Project Paperclip" during 1945-55, it made sure to include Dr. Strughold.

Dr. Strughold’s barbaric "medical experiments," for which his subordinates were tried and convicted as war criminals at Nuremburg, were nothing more than a series of bizarre and unspeakably brutal tortures."

- from http://www.lewrockwell.com/orig/kreca1.html

This was the beginning of 3 decades of 'crimes against humanity' committed by the DOD and the CIA, with Presidential approval, against unwitting service men and women, US citizens and many innocent foreign nationals. To this day, no-one has been charged with ANYTHING for the wholesale poisoning and torture of many thousands of blameless human beings. Stansfield Turner and Richard Helms attempted to destroy all the records of these heinous acts, to escape prosecution, but many were
hidden, and more were withheld from destruction by those elements in the Intel community that hadn't succumbed to the blandishments of the thousands of Nazi War Criminals hidden within the US Gov.

"An obscure District of Columbia corporation called Mankind Research Unlimited (MRU) and its wholly owned subsidiary, Systems Consultants Inc. (SCI), operated a number of classified intelligence, government and Pentagon contracts, specializing in, amongst other things: "problem solving in the areas of intelligence electronic warfare, sensor technology and applications.
MRU's "capability and experience" is divided into four fields. These include "biophysics -- Biological Effects of Magnetic Fields," "Research in Magneto-fluid Dynamics," "Planetary Electro-Hydro-Dynamics" and "Geo-pathic Efforts on Living Organisms." The latter focuses on the induction of illness by altering the magnetic nature of the geography. Also under research were "Biocybernetics, Psychodynamic Experiments in Telepathy," "Errors in Human Perception," "Biologically Generated Fields," "Metapsychiatry and the Ultraconscious Mind" (believed to refer to experiments in telepathic mind control), "Behavioural Neuropsychiatry," "Analysis and Measurement of Human Subjective States" and "Human Unconscious Behavioural Patterns."

- from http://dagmar.lunarpages.com/~parasc2/articles/0797/em1.htm

The incident which has forever bound these two disparate black-ops was the accidental opening of a trans-manifold rift in the fabric of the 'Many Worlds'. If you have followed my attempts to create a 4 Dimensional axial model for the identification of location within many similar universes ("A Primer For 'Sliders'") then remembering the supposed disposition of some of the victims of the Philadelphia Experiment (sunken through bulkheads, melted into decks and stairways - pretty far out on the "Truth" axis, eh) will demonstrate how far through any analogous timelines the rift extended. Reading the David Hamet descriptions the rift is described as "This vortex was about 5 miles in diameter and could teleport you as far as 100 light years away, to and from any time in the past or future." Evidently little did they suspect the damage this rift was causing.

Here are the documents that will delineate what the Company did, where and how. Somewhere in these redacted pages lies the exact nature of the Montauk Subproject and more. Some of this stuff you folk will be among the first civilians to view. Some of this, thought lost or destroyed, will scare the guilty still alive but the copies are too widespread to suppress by now, by design. Let me know if anyone comes up with anything. Remember the Company's penchant for changing placenames, and the fact there is usually a hint or a hunch that will figure it out. They weren't cryptographers, they were bullies. The meaning is usually seen from between the lines:


Articles by Montalk

The Art of Hyperdimensional War (Jan. 17, 2004)

Why Negative Forces Often Respect Freewill by Montalk (May 8, 2003)

Metaphysics of Immunity: SARS and Chemtrails by Montalk ( May 8, 2003)

How to Block Microwave Mind-Programming Signals by Montalk (May 8, 2003)

Montalk on Coming NWO 'Lockdown' (April5, 2003)

Chemtrails, Suppression of Human Evolution (Dec. 11, 2002)

Reality Creation, Part 1 (Nov. 8, 2002)

Reality Creation, Part 2 (Nov. 8, 2002)

Reality Creation, Part 3 (Nov. 8, 2002)

Significant Trends (Nov. 2, 2002)

Other Interesting Writers Posted at Montalk.net

Overcoming Matrix Control System Limitations By Carissa Conti (May 16, 2004)

The Crossroads Of Planetary Destiny by Orri Erling and Evelien van Velzen (May 8, 2003)

The Rules of the Game When Visiting 3rd Density by Carissa Conti (May 8, 2003)

- Jondalf

Sunday, October 02, 2011

"You Know, Everything You Know Could Be Wrong!"

"Mission control, we have a UFO pacing our position, request instructions."

Astronaut Cady Coleman
NASA Transmission - Shuttle Mission STS-73

"All Apollo and Gemini flights were followed, both at a distance and sometimes also quite closely, by space vehicles of extraterrestrial origin - flying saucers, or UFOs, if you want to call them by that name.

Every time it occurred, the astronauts informed Mission Control, who then ordered absolute silence."

Maurice Chatelain
Former Chief of NASA Communications Systems

"At no time, when the astronauts were in space were they alone: there was a constant surveillance by UFOs."

NASA Astronaut Scott Carpenter
Carpenter photographed a UFO while in orbit on May 24, 1962. NASA still has not released the photograph.

 "My own pseudo-conclusion: That we've been damned by giants sound asleep, or by great scientific principles and abstractions that cannot realize themselves: that little harlots have visited their caprices upon us; that clowns, with buckets of water from which they pretend to cast thousands of good-sized fishes have anathematized us for laughing disrespectfully, because, as with all clowns, underlying buffoonery is the desire to be taken seriously; that pale ignorances, presiding over microscopes by which they cannot distinguish flesh from nostoc or fishes' spawn, have visited upon us their wan solemnities. We've been damned by corpses and skeletons and mummies, which twitch and totter with pseudo-life derived from conveniences."   - Charles Fort, 1919

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Thank you in advance engaging in a bit of "dialectic" with me here, my friends.  So, hopefully I will successfully communicate what to me is a vexing epistomological conundrum (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epistemology) buried in the Michael Teachings.

If we false personalities are not "real", then why are we held to such high standards in the slogging on, lifetime after lifetime, burning ribbon after Karmic ribbon, scheduling dozens and dozens and sometimes hundreds of Primary, Secondary and Tertiary agreements, scores of Working Group and Task Companion arrangements each lifetime - all the while trying our best to behave (as we learn) as though we are reasoning, responsible partners with Essence in the "Evolution Of Consciousness" in a fashion of which we can feel proud , even though our passing is not even worthy of mourning (do we mourn a silkworm when it expires after a lifetime of providing us with such a wonder as silk, or do we just say: "Thanks for the threads, bug.") ?  Sorry, this topic can be such a 'buzzkill' sometimes.   Suffice it to say that the perspective I espouse is a necessary one for any group of students bent on 'verification' and 'validation'.

I mean, look at the sardonicism (not sarcasm) and grief to which I was subjected by well-meaning, honorable and not unfriendly fellow Michael Students for announcing I was a 'Gnostic' (without reminding them of my core beliefs about:  the evolution and proliferation of many races of sentient lifeforms in the Metaverse; their long history of expansion out into the space and other worlds and even other dimensions beyond their original worlds of genesis; AND that ALL our religions and myths are simply the erroneous recollections of a bunch of savages about asuccession of civilizations that bio-engineer 'primordial ooze' whenever they find it, the better to facilitate the replication of dumb, but dependable, '(organic "Von Neumann machine") worker-drone races that just love to mine the galaxy's scarce mineral deposits for their "Gods".

And, after a million years or so, all on their own, no supervision necessary, these 'uplifted' beasts become beings just the right size and mental capacity to become capable of ensoulment, and off they march, it now being they who are 'mined' for their 'existentially fortuitous experiential ability to absorb lessons' (karma) and carry what they've learned along with them until they are subsumed through death by their new benefactors:  Essence, the True Personality and eventually the Entity/Cadre.  Curiously coincidental that seems  .  .  .  or is it just me?

So there, I've done my due diligence and made everyone suffer a bit more with my 'devil's advocacy and "Anti-Michael Teachings" but remember -  as the Firesign Theatre once so eloquently opined"  "You know, everything you know could be wrong!" but even I only get a projection of a 53% probability of all these assertions and hypothesis fitting together just the way I envision them and proving me right someday.  But 53% is more 'possible' than 47%, right?

Forever playing in deepest reaches of 'left field', Sages will be always be trying to imagine just what could emerge from the bleachers of outer space or history or the dugout of the timeline right nextdoor, for which no-one has yet formulated an effective solution, or defense, or recipe, eh?

Your bud,   - Jondalf

Lizards lay in wait for the wagon.
Routed through rutted road
the neighing horses hurried
the two “norms”
toward their destination,

(a supposed bastion of
non-mutated sanity
within a world
gone genetically gravid
with possibilities).

Into the twisted trees
they turned
never knowing the passions
that burned
within the breasts
of the beasts
that slithered and hissed,
hidden in mists,
a scant semblance
of sanity
searing their synapses
with a blinding blood-lust.

Onward the wagon then
entering the murky fen,
the high pitched sibilance
of snake syllables
surround the travelers
in a turbid confusion
of scaled arms
and swords.

Surging over the wain
and wresting the life
from the two wayfarers
and ransacking the cargo
at leisure later.
yet somehow certain,
that those mindless impulses
that impel them
have purpose
and purvey
a better way
for the world to be

. . .

to violence and destruction
they would not have been liable
had the artifacts they carried
been anything other than
(what incisive saurians blamed
for the sorry state of the world
they’d inherited, and causally defamed) . . .

. . . a thousand moldy old copies
of Gideons’ Bible!

  - J Thrasher, "Catacombs Bar", Walnut St., Boulder, CO - 1976 

"The Earth is a farm. We are someone else's property."  -  Charles Fort