“I was a very minor missionary, actually a heretic, but I toiled wholeheartedly in the vinyards because it was fun, fun, fun. Where else could a red-blooded American boy lie, kill, cheat, steal, rape, and pillage with the sanction and blessing of the All-Highest?” —George Hunter White, Initial Head of MKULTRA
“The biggest hurdle for TIs (targeted individuals) is getting people to take their concerns seriously. A proposal made in 2001 by Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio) to ban "psychotronic weapons" (another common term for mind-control technology) was hailed by TIs as a great step forward. But the bill was widely derided by bloggers and columnists and quickly dropped.:”
“What he was finding on his research trips also buttressed his belief: Girard learned that in the 1950s, the CIA had drugged unwitting victims with LSD as part of a rogue mind-control experiment called MK-ULTRA. He came across references to the CIA seeking to influence the mind with electromagnetic fields.
“Elsewhere, he came across references to attempts to use electromagnetic energy, sound waves or microwave beams to cause non-lethal pain to the body. For every symptom he experienced, he believed he found references to a weapon that could cause it.”
-From - Washington Post Article
“[The scientists] didn’t have the guts to do it themselves, so they hired students. ‘Hey, we found this room. Would you please go inside and let us know what’s going on in there?’ When we came back out, they took one look at us and said, ‘Whatever they do, don’t let them go back in that room!’” Ken Kesey, on MKULTRA (I never gave them back their key. - J)
Quite a few Michael Teachings students have expressed curiosity about my D.I.D., and multiple personality subjects in general (probably because every Entity has 1050 “Alters”). So here is a brief précis from where one can investigate specific pertinent topics. – Jondalf
First the “Shrink Fraternity’s” Definition (notice also, if you search, you will find little mainstream acknowledgement of all the horrific “Psychological Research” of the past 4 decades promulgated by literally hundreds of ‘card carrying’ “Doctors” of Psychology, working for the US Govt., even though the published evidence of thousands of cases of abuse as well documented, admitted to by the US Gov time and time again, even court adjudicated and proven, instances are undeniable. Maybe this is why people scoff when you mention the subject – their ignorance is the result of effective ‘disinformation’, and this also has been proven.):
Psychology Today
In The Beginning there was:
“The Three Faces of Eve
Now called Dissociative Identity Disorder, DID, the book and movie brought this rare psychiatric disorder to the public's awareness. Eve Black and Jane were the alters. The book was co-authored by psychiatrists Hervey Cleckley, a pioneer in sociopathy, and Corbett H. Thigpen. Chris Costner Sizemore’s identity was protected and not revealed until years later when Sizemore and her cousin, wrote I’m Eve.
The Three Faces of Eve
Eve White saw psychiatrist Curtis Luther because of her bizarre behavior. She denied buying seductive clothing and cavorting in bars. Curtis soon met Eve Black, an alter, different personality. He realized he was dealing with a rare little known psychiatric disorder and began extensive psychotherapy to try to find her lost memories.
Eve Black Reveals Herself
Eve White sought psychiatric help because of severe headaches. During the first session, she complained about blackouts following them. During ensuing visits, she talked about several emotional issues. The psychiatrists believed she had marital problems and frustrations, but were puzzled that she had no memory of a recent trip. They used hypnosis for the amnesia. Several days after an appointment, they received a letter from White about her therapy, written in her handwriting, but there was a paragraph that looked like a child’s scrawl. White denied sending it.
During another session, White became distressed and asked if hearing an imaginary voice made her insane. On several occasions, she heard one. Suddenly, she put both hands to her head, then her hands dropped and she had an alien voice and appeared to have different mannerisms. She said her name was Eve Black.
Eves White, Black and Jane
During a series of sessions, extensive material was obtained about both Eve’s behavior and experiences. Although Black would appear unexpectedly, she could only be summoned when White was under hypnosis. After more sessions, the doctors found that hypnosis was no longer needed for summoning Black.
They believed Black had an independent life since White’s early childhood and White wasn’t aware of what was happening. Black told the doctors about childhood incidents when she misbehaved and White was punished for them. Some of these were confirmed by her parents and husband. Black hid her identity from White, her parents and husband. White’s husband, daughter and parents explained her unusual behavior as unaccountable temper fits. Black had little compassion for White and wouldn’t help with therapy.
After eight months of treatment, White appeared to be making progress. Her blackouts stopped and she was functioning well. As therapy progressed, White’s headaches and her blackouts returned. Black denied responsibility and said that she also experienced lack of awareness during blackouts. White’s mental health deteriorated and hospitalization was considered.
During one hypnotic session, White appeared to be deeply relaxed when she opened her eyes and stared around the room. She looked at the doctor and asked who he was in a new voice. Another personality, Jane emerged. She was more responsible than Black and more confident than White. Jane was aware of both Eves’ thoughts and behavior. She was the alter who was most likely to bring a solution to the disorder and her dominance over the other personalities grew. The three personalities were integrated.
What the Doctors Learned from Eve White and her Alters
Thigpen and Cleckley were convinced that White had multiple personalities. The consensus of mental health professionals is that MPD is a function of an abused child’s attempt to protect the mind.”
- From:Suite101: Eve White and The Three Faces of Eve: Book and Movie Based on Case of Multiple Personality Disorder
Suite101.com Suite 101
One ‘Nazi-then-OSS-then-CIA’ behavior modification program begun in the late 30s and perfected by the 70s involved selecting childhood sexual/physical abuse victims displaying symptoms of D.I.D. and then “programming” them. I have explained the initial scenarios that got the US involved in this still ongoing “crime against humanity” in my Blog years ago (please read about them there). The initial US efforts were directed towards 2 ends: 1) Training Inviolable Information Couriers: and 2) Creating Assassins With No Memory Of Training Or Assignments. After ancillary purposing was discovered during the 50s and 60s, new techniques developed new dissociative frameworks for programming, but the basics are the same.
“Alters” (alternate personalities) were defined by their functionality, and originally almost naturally fell into 5 (now more) categories:
Alphas – Ego/Superego/Executive Function Control Personalities, dominant and conscious, but usually unable to be conscious if there is another Alpha in control.
Betas – Egos as sub-dominant, subordinate personalities with special psychological profiles and functions, often non-programmed, arising as defense mechanisms against abuse, non-conscious unless ‘in-play’ but usually aware of the behaviors of any Alphas in control.
Thetas – specific task oriented, often not whole personalities but ‘augments’ to Alphas, Betas & Gammas, with special exceptions.
Gammas – trained assassins, ‘wetwork’ specialists, covert ops experts, often with foreign language only dominant personalities, totally buried until evoked. Programmed erasable.
Epsilons – programmed psychic abilities as personality matrices with specialist/adept's talents, ALWAYS unknown to the subject, never consciously accessed except in cases of NDE (Near Death Experiences). Can be used to summon pending “walk-ins” in case of catastrophic personality failure/brain death. [Unknown to mundane CIA research, only used in “Black-Leaf” (Covert Overleaves) Essence, Entity, Cadre &/ or Ring Operations]
An account follows of how both travel between parallel timelines, the subtle differences and similarities inherent to both branches of “branching-event” standing wavefunction reality matrix analogs, here regarding CIA training methodologies and disinformational practices is apparent when one reads this except from a book published by a survivor of MKULTRA from a parallel timeline:
[The “assassin” training mentioned is specific to the formation of those alters known specifically as “Gammas”
Now, read the Blog excerpt following the quote and website attribution directly below about “quantum mechanics” and see how ignorance of the implications of the “Many Worlds MetaTheory” vis-à-vis the actual reality of parallel timelines (well known to most Michael Teachings students as a topic, and theory, often vetted by Michael, through many different channels over the past 4 decades) can cause real information to be misapprehended as ‘disinformation’. (People REALLY should keep up with current mainstream Physics paradigms. – J)]
“The most interesting thing about quantum mechanics: it works. Despite the fact that almost every explanation for why quantum mechanics actually works leads to unanswerable paradoxes, we all have faith in it. After all, it gets results, right? “Shut up and calculate!” the advisors cry. We leave the question of why for metaphysical thought and ponderance: the kind that blindsides you on some idle Wednesday (probably during a seminar of some kind).
The Many-Worlds Interpretation of quantum mechanics was born out of such metaphysical wonderings in 1957 by Hugh Everett III, in his Princeton Ph.D. thesis. A shorter paper, “Relative State” Formulation of Quantum Mechanics followed later in the year, and introduced the broader physics community to the ideas of a new
“metatheory” (as Everett himself described it) to the “theory” of quantum mechanics. One which posited quantum mechanics, without all that silliness of wavefunction collapse, by providing a new structure which eschewed the Copenhagen Interpretation’s idea of an “external observer.”
Everett’s Relative State formulation was recharacterized as the “Many Worlds Interpretation” by Bryce DeWitt in the 1960s. It serves as an Everett metatheory to the theory of nonrelativistic quantum mechanics in that “it is an underlying theory in which the nature and consistency, as well as the realm of applicability, of the older theory can be investigated and clarified.” [1] The Many-Worlds Interpretation attacks the most fundamental of problems of quantum mechanics: rectifying many of the apparent paradoxes that the Copenhagen formulation of quantum mechanics admits.”
- From: http://www.phy.ohiou.edu/~murphy/talks/misc/manyworlds.pdf
Blog excerpt:
Overview of subject:
This is an extensive list of informational web sites relating to the crimes of organized stalking, directed energy weapons, psycho-electronic mind control, and related topics.
· www.nationalcaresociety.org
· www.catchcanada.org
· www.freedomfchs.com
· www.oasisturningpoint.org
· www.mindjustice.org
· www.stopcovertwar.com
· www.raven1.net
· www.raven1.net/gaslight.htm
· www.raven1.net/glossary.htm
· www.multistalkervictims.org
· www.shoestringradio.net
· www.shoestringradio.net/policewhoknow.txt
· www.shoestringradio.net/docswhoknow.txt
· www.gangstalking.org
· www.eharassment.ca
· www.mindcontrolforums.com
· www.americancognitivelibertiesassoc.org
· www.stoporganizedstalking.org
· www.gangstalkingworld.com
· www.psychologicalharassment.com
· www.govharass.com
· www.us-government-torture.com
· www.us-government-torture.com/Larson%20Report%20Edit.pdf
· www.afafa.org
· www.surveillanceissues.com
· www.rich-essence.com
· www.projectcensored.org
· www.thematrixdeciphered.com
· www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mkultra
· www.wikipedia.org/wiki/mind_control
· www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaslighting
· www.wikipedia.org/wiki/cointelpro
· www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frank_Olson
· www.lesliecrawford.cabanova.com
· http://archive.democrats.com/view.cfm?id=1275
· www.rob-profile.com
· www.jbhfile.com/index.html
· www.wanttoknow.info/mindcontrol 10pg
· www.wanttoknow.info/emailmk
· www.wanttoknow.info/mindcontrolinformation#mindcontrolsummaries
· www.webspawner.com/users/perpbuster
· www.bugsweeps.com/info/electronic_harassment.html
· www.exoticwarfare.com
· www.exoticwarfareproof.org
· www.bushcommission.org/?q=node/34
· http://emhdf.com/countermeasures.html
· www.9-11themotherofallblackoperations.blogspot.com
· www.911truth.org
· www.ghost-writers.com
· www.cdt.org/wiretap/wiretap_overview.html
· www.nexusmagazine.com/articles/BraveNewWorld.html
· www.mnwelldir.org/docs/history/experiments.htm
· http://american-justice.us
· www.angelicharpfoundation.org/index.htm
· www.i-sis.org.uk/BW.php
· www.brendanmichaeljames.com/index.html
· www.prwatch.org
· www.slavery.org.uk/pinneo1.htm
· www.icdc.com/~paulwolf/cointelpro/churchfinalreportIIIa.htm
· www.controlledamerica.itgo.com/index.html
· www.ratical.org/ratville/CAH/cahCAH.html
· www.duprevent.com
· www.eff.org
· www.sosbeevfbi.com
· www.freedomforceinternational.org/freedom.cfm?fuseaction=home
· www.angelfire.com/or/mctrl
· http://cgkd.anu.edu.au/menus/PDFs/JMEIntHumRandME.pdf#search=%22ethics%2
· www.newstarget.com/019189.html
· www.layinstitute.org
· www.proliberty.com/observer/20070105.htm
· www.conspiracyarchive.com/NWO/microchip_implants_mind_control.htm
· www.moveon.org
· www.mkzine.com http://myweb.cableone.net/mtilton/thomas.html
· www.peaceinspace.org
· www.whale.to/b/patton.html
· www.psyop.org
· www.saveourcivilliberties.org/en/static/contact.shtml
· www.rsf.org/rubrique.php3?id_rubrique=20
· www.seaspower.com/EnergyDisclosureDec122003.htm
· www.southeasternchristianassociation.org
· www.sysos.co.uk/thatfund.htm
· www.ccr-ny.org/v2/GermanCase2006/extendedsummary.asp
· www.bvalphaserver.com/modules.php?name=Content&pa=showpage&pid=21
· www.aches-mc.org
· www.thememoryhole.org/mil/nl-weapons_terms
· http://crownjul1.wordpress.com
· www.ncvc.org/ncvc/Main.aspx
· www.tortureprevention.net
· www.hhs.gov
· www.usaexposure.com/index.php
· www.stalkingvictims.com
· www.worldcantwait.org
· www.uruknet.info/?s1=1&p=26044&s2=24
· www.mediarights.org/organization
· www.democraticfundamentalism.org
· www.deborahinterviews.com
· www.kelcom.igs.net/~hosny/index.html
· http://electromagnetic-waves.com/default.aspx
· www.mindcontrol-victims.eu
· http://biotech.law.lsu.edu/research/index.htm
· http://redtape.msnbc.com
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