Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Remember The 21st. Of December (For Bill And Ted)

This season, hight "Christmas" has rolled round once more
And we'd like to remind you, as you're shopping in stores,
That long 'fore Christ's religion co-opted this rite,
Down through thousands of years, allaying all fears:
The Winter Solstice a Pagan Holiday was, all day and all night!

Folks stayed up to celebrate, till dawn with their friends.
Making sure Sun would come back, again and again.
Through cold rain and snow, 'round fires all night long,
They sang songs and waited, misty breath unabated,
A vigil fair maintained, assuring naught would go wrong.

Thus we wish ye good fortune, good cheer and fine plight,
And we wish so, remembrance, of this night's true respite:
From the forces of Darkness, stagnation's requite.
And Enlightenment we evoke, from ignorance to invoke:
"Be excellent to each other!" and "Party down", it's your right!

1 comment:

  1. No one will believe it, but I just removed 113 hidden Toolbar/Extensions from my Internet Explorer 9 Beta browser, all Alcatel-Lucent, and I use NONE of their software. And there were MORE from other "providers". No wonder it was sluggish! - Jondalf
