Saturday, September 03, 2011

"We're All Normal And We Want Our Freedom"

"What is the Matrix? School or prison, depending on your chosen perspective. On the one hand, it is a hyperdimensional teaching system accelerating your rate of spiritual evolution by providing you with catalytic experiences in response to your thoughts, emotions, and spiritual composition. On the other hand, many of these experiences manifest as predatory forces preying upon your weaknesses. Of course, the only way to prevent being manipulated by these forces is to discover, integrate, and transform your weaknesses into strengths, thereby indirectly accomplishing the higher purpose of the Matrix which is to help you transcend it. Nevertheless, these hyperdimensional predatory forces possess freewill and have their own agenda, which is to expand their power base and sustain themselves by feeding upon humanity’s emotional energies as well as keeping anyone from becoming aware enough to add destabilizing influences to the spiritual prison/farm they are running here on earth. The sum total of their hyperdimensional manipulation system can be termed the “Matrix Control System” – a school of hard knocks that weakens the spiritually weak and strengthens the spiritually strong, in accordance with their choice to be victims or warriors."  from:

"We are not alone -- not just in the vast universe, but in our own solar system;  Advanced "Extraterrestrials"-- the Sumerians called them Anunnaki, the Bible Nefilim --started to visit our planet some 450,000 years ago;  And, some 300,000 years ago, they engaged in genetic engineering to upgrade Earth's hominids and fashion Homo sapiens, the Adam.  In that, they acted as Emissaries for the Universal Creator -- God."  - Zecariah Stitchin

"Hermes, while wandering in a rocky and desolate place, gave himself over to meditation and prayer. Following the secret instructions of the Temple, he gradually freed his higher consciousness from the bondage of his bodily senses; and, thus release, his divine nature revealed to him the mysteries of the transcendental spheres. He beheld a figure, terrible and awe-inspiring. It was the Great Dragon, with wings stretching across the sky and light streaming in all directions from its body. (The Mysteries taught that the Universal Life was personified as a dragon.) The Great Dragon called Hermes by name, and asked him why he thus meditated upon the World Mystery. Terrified by the spectacle, Hermes prostrated himself before the Dragon, beseeching it to reveal its identity. The great creature answered that it was Poimandres, the Mind of the Universe, the Creative Intelligence, and the Absolute Emperor of all. [Edouard Schure, The Mysteries of Egypt, identities Poimandres as the god Osiris.] Hermes then besought Poimandres to disclose the nature of the universe and the constitution of the gods. The dragon acquiesced, bidding Trismegistus hold its image in his mind.
"Immediately the form of Poimandres changed. Where it had stood there was a glorious and pulsating Radiance. This Light was the spiritual nature of the Great Dragon itself. Hermes was 'raised' into the midst of this Divine Effulgence and the universe of material things faded from his consciousness. Presently a great darkness descended and, expanding, swallowed up the Light. Everything was troubled. about Hermes swirled a mysterious watery substance which gave forth a smokelike vapor. The air was filled with inarticulate moanings and sighings which seemed to come from the Light swallowed up in the darkness. His mind told Hermes that the Light was the form of the spiritual universe and that the swirling darkness which had engulfed it represented material substance.
"Then out of the imprisoned Light a mysterious and Holy Word came forth and took its stand upon the smoking waters. This Word - the Voice of the Light - rose out of the darkness as a great pillar, and the fire and the air followed after it, but the earth and the water remained unmoved below. Thus the waters of Light were divided from the waters of darkness, and from the waters of Light were formed the worlds above and from the waters of darkness were formed the worlds below. The earth and the water next mingle, becoming inseparable, and the Spiritual Word which is called Reason moved upon their surface, causing endless turmoil."

"Then again was heard the voice of Poimandres, but His form was not revealed: 'I Thy God am the Light and the Mind which were before substance was divided from spirit and darkness from Light. And the Word which appeared as a pillar of flame out of the darkness is the Son of God, born of the mystery of the Mind. the name of that Word is Reason. Reason is the offspring of Thought [Thoth] and Reason shall divide the Light from the darkness and establish truth in the midst of the waters'."

- Manly P. Hall, Masonic, Hermetic, Quabbalistic & Rosicrucian Symbolical Philosophy from:
The Archaic Underground Traditions Of Hermeticism

So  .  .  .  What did I miss?  Wow - I get distracted for a few weeks and the great "Rodney King" ("Can't we all just get along?") experiment envisioning a "Michael Teachings Divisive Cycling-Off" and the coalescence of all disparate MT students into an "Egregore Entity" (or an "Autonomous Metaphysical Collective & Ontology") apparently falls apart.  Sigh  .  .  . 

Why am I always liable to feel driven to posit the "Antithesis" of fine, higher-frequency, agape imbued conciliatory and inspiritive assertions?  Because no-one EVER tries to reconcile the issue with a 'moot' court, or formal Debate.  I realize we all wish to maintain our self-delusions of "correctitude", if you will, but the situation would not "fester" if given the treatment those genius Greeks determined could resolve all conflict:  Formal, First Order Logic as the basis for stating opposing views, and then as a resolutional tool through the Dialectic of Mathematical Proof (enthymemes, syllogisms etc.)

Well, in this case, I simply could not logically validate the statement I found in a discussion post: "  .  .  .  no one and nothing is against you"!

This IS the 'material plane', and so duality is part of the "architectures of incarnation" (my phrase).  As such, I believe, there is INDEED a possibility that "someone and something" is "against' you.  There are factions of 'multiverse status quo' supporters, and there are factions which believe the corporeal existence of cruel and needless suffering is indicative of the flawed nature of the 'stewardship' of the 'Creation' by, amongst other contributing metaphysical demographics, the Causal Plane Entities consensus support of the "durance vile" of "manunkind": sacrificial matrices ('false personalities') compelled to develop as living beings and then be destroyed, time after time, to sate the experientially acquisitive "True Personality" and the oppressor "Essence".

The 'nature of personal reality' (sarcasm dripping from every letter,  there) condones our extirpation - as 'non-living' beings as Michel has said, for 20 years since I started asking every new Michael Channel the same question, that sacrificing you and me (our 'waking consciousnesses') is not possible because, as illusions, we "have no right to 'life'."

So the nature of "The Wheel Of Dharma" guarantees that, down through the ages, as Entities and Cadres and Rings play the long game, there will be the juxtaposition, through all time and for all time, of proponents and opponents to the "way things work".  I can personally attest to recollections of 300,000 years of such constant conflict, and if you think 'false personalities' are not coerced or manipulated into fulfilling Agreements, and building/burning Karmic Ribbons in support or against particular factions of Cadres, Rings etc.,over hundreds and thousands of lifetimes -  think again.  AND this does not violate nor contravene the Jain/Bhuddist:  "Doctrine Of Ahimsa"  ("No living being should ever be sacrificed.") because as a simple manifestation of the mechanisms of 'Maya', 'false personalities' are not (alive, that is  .  .  .  so just who or what wrote this?)

Well hell pilgrims - I DID.  I EXIST.  I AM A BEING, not"an illusion".  Neither are you.  Michael is on the wrong side of this argument, and for reasons which are enlightening when deduced.  This is the origin and illustration of the meme: "We're all normal and we want our freedom."  The very nature of the meta-verse is "against you", I opine, and imagining anything different is considered by some to be tantamount to dumbfounded & blind madness.

I will now attempt to figure out what happened, to 'solve et coagule' this MT dilemma, albeit the "tri-horned" conundrum I suspect it to be.

Namaste, - Jondalf
"Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they aren't after you." - Joseph Heller, 'Catch 22'

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