Wednesday, July 03, 2013

Refuse To Allow Old Rich Christian Men To Tell You What To Do

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Alcohol and smallpox were used by Europeans against Native Americans in the 18th and 19th centuries in attempts to extirpate the race (evidence for the former being so well acknowledged by Historians no citations are needed; and, for the latter, study shows it to be equally incontrovertible and maliciously intentional So too have engineered scourges like AIDS and various drugs been used in the 20th and 21st centuries in a kind of applied assertion of engineered Darwinism against non-Biblical morality and entheogenic liberty, designed to parse and decimate the classes, ethnicities, ethical colloquiums and genetically predisposed brain-chemistries that the 'Old White Power Structure' found disdainful of the right to "the pursuit of property" (the original wording of the Declaration of Independence's "life, liberty and . . . " sentence) or threatening in their "fertility" - a sentiment Jeb Bush quite recently echoed - or usurpatious in their intractability by not to bowing to the 'divine right' of the rich or the Judeo-Christian. Many scholars studying the effects of unreasonably cheap and available 'crack' cocaine upon America's inner city populations have for decades hypothesized nefarious engineered purposes (rightfully so) behind its abundant supply irrespective of demand in the beginning of its assault upon the poor, and the MkUltra Programs (which continue to this day) are undeniable proof of the imported Nazi rationale for the production of methamphetamine as a tool in the continuing Orwellian attempts at mass behavioral modification of susceptible (and therefore supposedly eugenically unfit) segments of the American population. Unless Prohibitionism is eliminated, and all repressively de-sublimated agents (and these include any laws against free exercise of Libertarian rights by individuals) of control still utilized by the upper classes and entrenched authoritarian factions are removed from the purview of the current Neo-PlutoTheocrats and their ilk, the notion of Freedom so cherished by the The Framers (and so recently even further eroded by the 'Citizens United' SCOTUS decision) will be only a memory in the minds of the genetically modified 'worker-drone' proletariat, whose 99% of the population will exist only to serve the supremely evil 1%'s affluvial hubris. So either "roll up your arm and bend over", folks, or "Fight the Power", because: "If you don't hit it, it won't fall!" And as for the portion of the population who have never read "The Age Of Reason", by Thomas Paine or who believe that their wealth or religion gives them the right to pass laws dictating how others should behave, please move to Iran, where fanatics like you rule. You'll feel right at home.

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