Tuesday, February 20, 2018

2013 - "Anarchy In The USA, eh?"

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Anarchy Today In The USA, Eh?

*Logic of Self
*Imagination to create and destroy in the metaverse.
-To train self logic
-To tame personal demons. Uncontrolled they are dangerous.
-Imagination versus Creativity (and my interpretation of both words/worlds.

*My current personal perception of self-deity
-A rebel (but not foolish about it)
-A warrior of Chaos
-A raider of the antithesis of Law and Rule
-An advanced barbarian tribesman, perhaps a shaman?

Stupidity is not condoned.
This book contains quotes from even the most rebellious webwarriors. You have been warned."

-Anarchic Self Intellectualism: Magick and Chaos 

An 'objective' standard for the ability to be an "intellectual"? I would venture to opine that rather than vitriolic contumely, sophomoric race-baiting rhetoric or deliberately bellicose verbiage, one might consider the old IQ test.  Anyone under 160 (Mensa standard) fails to have the wit to weigh in.  172 here.  I doubt even one of you scores higher.  But 'intellectualism" or intelligiance means NOTHING without the motivation to aid all who wish to evolve intellectually in that struggle. Offensive hubris serves no function other than self-aggrandizement, and that does not aid the struggle to see a ruling hegemonic-colloquium of the Proletariat in our lifetime.  So stop the self-congratulatory back-patting and get to work securing "All Power To The People" as I have been doing for 40+ years, twits!

The BIC is an asymptotic result derived under the assumptions that the data distribution is in the exponential family. Let:
x = the observed data;
n = the number of data points in x, the number of observations, or equivalently, the sample size;
k = the number of free parameters to be estimated. If the estimated model is a linear regression, k is the number of regressors, including the intercept;
 = the probability of the observed data given the vector of parameters ; or, the likelihood of the parameters given the dataset;
L = the maximized value of the likelihood function for the estimated model.

Anarchists were held to a higher standard in MY day (UC Berkeley, 1968).  I have been a hard core Anarcho-Syndicalist since then, yet these folks can't even couch an argument in terms of "First Order Logic".  

The martyrs of the Ludlow Massacre died in vain, as did all the Wobblies, ever.  These folk haven't the Revolutionary drive to even study the History of the movement, yet they profess to be 'Anarchists'.  Sacco and Vanzetti are spinning in their graves.  Bunch of poseurs !!!

BTW, folks, if you can put your argument into the terms of First Order Logic, then you can mathematically prove it to be true, or untrue, AGAINST ALL OTHER ARGUMENTS, LOGICALLY, SCIENTIFICALLY, FOR  ALL TIME!  My first year in the S.D.S. taught me this, and we proved our points beyond any rational doubt, for ALL "intellectuals" to see.  You can do the same, just study the material of your beliefs and assert your conclusions is scientific terms.  Then "rage against the Machine" with purpose, and efficacy!

I must apologize for my self-righteousness, but when I think of the many thousands of dedicated brothers and sisters in the cause who have given their lives to further these "memes" the silly twaddle that sometimes ensues on these threads makes me wonder what our Anarchist forbears would think of all this stupid posturing and banal chatter?  Not talking about Alexia, per se, her heart and mind are in the right place, but more wondering if the Admins have forgotten (or ever knew about) "the dialectic"?  

Alexia:  “In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is a hallucinating idiot...for he sees what no one else does: things that, to everyone else, are not there.” 
― Marshall McLuhan

 Guerrilla Street Theatre, as it was taught to be by the Yippies on the tear-gas clouded streets of Berkeley during "People's Park" and the Cambodian Invasion riots, will ideally make of itself an object of ridicule, or derision, or contradiction.  This is the best way to teach non-judgement of others, by only using one's self as an example of cupidity/stupidity, eh?

And that's . . . wait for it . . . "The Dialectic"!  <)lol(>

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